Zig Forums Thread: Do you use anger/rage to fuel your excercises?

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I've used horniness to push for PRs.
I've hit some bench PRs with a boner, it's possible, and kind of fun actually.

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I use the hate that I have for myself to fuel my power

No, anger gains are cursed
I fuel my workout with joy and a thirst for life

No. Anger usually actually makes me sloppy and feel like shit when working out. It reminds me of how weak and pathetic I really am.
Getting gains should be a positive feeling, where I'm realizing where I'm at but every step further is a step up and I'm just doing my best.

Anger is the bitch-boy of impatience, which is not a good thing when it comes to lifting.

I think about how unsuccessful Trump was after I voted for him and that gets me pretty heated. Some of my best PRs were when I was thinking about how he still hasn’t built the fucking wall

I like to read a bit of reader x fanfiction before lifting. Though anger is my go to usually desu

Same, Kakyoin X Reader is based :^)

Only Sסyboys get angry

I feel your sentiment.
Even his SCOTUS picks aren't pulling their weight.

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