Zig Forums Thread: Do you use anger/rage to fuel your excercises?

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I've used horniness to push for PRs.
I've hit some bench PRs with a boner, it's possible, and kind of fun actually.

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I use the hate that I have for myself to fuel my power

No, anger gains are cursed
I fuel my workout with joy and a thirst for life

No. Anger usually actually makes me sloppy and feel like shit when working out. It reminds me of how weak and pathetic I really am.
Getting gains should be a positive feeling, where I'm realizing where I'm at but every step further is a step up and I'm just doing my best.

Anger is the bitch-boy of impatience, which is not a good thing when it comes to lifting.

I think about how unsuccessful Trump was after I voted for him and that gets me pretty heated. Some of my best PRs were when I was thinking about how he still hasn’t built the fucking wall

I like to read a bit of reader x fanfiction before lifting. Though anger is my go to usually desu

Same, Kakyoin X Reader is based :^)

Only Sסyboys get angry

I feel your sentiment.
Even his SCOTUS picks aren't pulling their weight.

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gets kinda uncomfortable desu, I fear my boner will break inside my pants if I move the wrong way. I always seem to get a semi doing wrist curls for some reason.

Yes, almost always followed by a hearty laugh after i'm done.
It's not even that i plan to laugh, it's just that i can't contain it, not sure why, but it feels good.

Sometimes, but I mostly concentrate on the exercises itself.

Bro always hit the showers for a jerk sesshy before lifting

>gets kinda uncomfortable desu
My fear is that I will give myself blue balls if I do it too often.
I only cum once a week so I don't try to get aroused while lifting too often.

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I like motherfucken Bulma x Reader cause I'm a stronger manlet than Vegeta lolz
you a real ass nigga I appreciate your post

My hatred of sandniggs has often fuelled my workouts unironically

I draw a few hours a day and the little mistakes and seeing where I can be better always pisses me off. So I take it to my home gym and use it there. It's efficient.

Fph threads and haes women are probably the closest to angry motivation for me.
More often it’s horniness for my bf and a little weed (Idk keeps me super focused and engaged during a workout)

No but I do scream during particularly hard reps

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I use anger to live.

cortisol is not good for you. I have joyous lifts

what anime is this?

>he can't recognize Tawawas
In case there are other newfags who want to know, you can always left-click the arrow next to the post number and do an iqdb or google image search for the image.
You could have found the sauce easily easily.
Likewise you can save the full image and then drop it on tineye and you'll get a decent search for the image.
If nothing turns up, there is a good chance it's OC, but not 100%.

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wait, is there any other way but anger?

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I actually did reverse search it on google but it didn't come up with anything

When I'm about to fail a rep I remember all the times I was called fat

The weight then ascends

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Yes. Hatred for my own pathetic weakness. One day I will be good enough, but it is not this day.