Why do women think it's okay to feed their child artificial milk instead of feeding the milk directly from your body? Most women only breastfeed for a couple months then they turn the child to fake milk. A woman is literally designed to breastfeed the child up until it's a toddler and beyond. The milk from the mother makes the child stronger yet these selfish women chose not to.
Why do women think it's okay to feed their child artificial milk instead of feeding the milk directly from your body...
women are retarded
They don't have time to because they have to work to pay for daycare.
Can't breastfeed when you're smoking cigarettes and drinking wine all day. Raising a baby is hard work. You need those vices.
This. Society's fucked up. Women should just stay at home and take care of the house and kids and ride your dick each night, Nothing else.
the longer you breastfeed the higher IQ of the baby, this is a large part of why the average intelligence of the USA declined so rapidly
It literally makes no difference if you're breast fed or bottle fed, I was bottle fed and I'm strong as fuck, 6'3" and have a great frame with broad shoulders. And some people who were breast fed are manlets with shit frames
It literally makes no difference, genetics are all that matters
>i was bottle fed till i reached my full adult height
you'd think breastfeeding is easy, since its natural and all that, but its not. Its extremely difficult and is very time consuming.
Babies have a hard time latching on, sometimes you don't produce enough milk, it takes time to get "in the rhythm". Not to mention you're exhausted because a newborn will sleep for 2-4 hours max.
Why are you asking this question here? Shouldn't you be shitposting about this in your home board instead of trying to force your shitty culture in places where you are both a rapefugee and unwelcome?
Some women actually do not produce milk at all, or very little.
More accurately you have to make rent/pay the mortgage/save for retirement/pay the tens of thousands of dollars in hospital bills you incurred when having the kid
>thousands of dollars in hospital bills for giving birth in there
Damn America is really a joke isn't it
What's the reason doctors tell them to only do it till 6 months of age or something like that? Wouldn't it lead to baby gains if they do it for longer? I think it would be a great idea once a child can eat normal food to feed him with breast milk as well as other nutritious food.
Marketing. There's entire industries built around this sort of thing. Look at all of the "kid" stuff. Children have the same dietary requirements as adults in slightly different proportions.
It's not the massive influx of brown hordes bringing down the average? What breast feeding does do is prepare the infants digestive system for solid food. Ask any fat and unhealthy people if and how long they were breast fed and a particular trend will become apparent.
You don't actually care about this. You just made this thread to talk about your fetish.
you aren't suppose to give birth in a daycare retard
Oh those lucky third world/serf ancestors/hunter gatherers had it so easy! Life was such a doddle back then, what with internet, tv, warm homes, risk free lives, gadgets to distract kids and schools so parents could work a comfortable 9-5 day.
talking with my tenant yesterday, shes still breastfeeding her kid at 18months.
Societies flourish when women don't have a say in anything.
As soon as men turn weak and let their women have a turn at running the country, they drive it off a fucking cliff and get everyone killed.
I happened before and now it's happening again.
Because women are lazy cunts who will find a way to rationalise any and all abdication of responsibility when shit gets even a little bit difficult, up to and including straight up murdering their own unborn child.
this is the reason for manlets, breast milk is key for growth.
It's not just height and size, it's possible you have undiagnosed immune system issues that will crop up at some point, or your brain didn't develop as well. They don't way you'd ever know for sure is if you had an identical twin who was breast feed so you could compare the differences between you.
How is this supposed to make sense?
You can do it for longer but over you get to six months you've reaped 90% of the benefits. Most women are anxious to stop at that point anyway because of teething etc. so it's there as a goal to aim for.
Most people that get fat in childhood or teens were formula babies.
All females of all species throughout all of history have always breastfed their offspring.
The only reason it has become "too time consuming" for modern women is because they've fallen for the independant-women trap, made to overwork and stress themselves out at an early age.
Reminder that 50 years ago a man was paid twice as much as he is paid today so that he could put food on the table for both himself and his family, meaning his wife would have a whole day to look after the house and the children.
We had a perfect system until women had to ruin it by competing with men for the same jobs, allowing employers to cut wages substantially.
the studies of breastfed vs formula fed development are terrifying when you realize just how many people are formula fed. No wonder people are so stupid and neurotic
I was breastfed too long and turned out gay, it's possible to get too much
that was most likely from in utero stress or father's stressed sperm
Fuck off with your backwards views. Women can work and do whatever they want while you incel die.
you say that like it's a good thing. were the Native Americans suddenly better off now that they have homes and reservations to live in and running water?
and have malnourished and underdeveloped kids, so we all eventually die off
I'm not sure whether it's a seething roastie or just a bait
there's a ton of reasons why it's harder to breastfeed
>need to have proper nutrition, which most amerimutts suck at
>need to pump your breasts like 3x a day, and with abysmal maternity leave like hell that's happening. most couples have both partners working bc muh economy is trash.
>if you're obese or too skelly, again cannot breastfeed.
>pcos, hypothyroidism, mastectomy from breast cancer, taking medication or using drugs = no titty milk
>breast hypoplasia (tits too small, physically cannot produce enough milk) = no mommy milkies
they have supplements on the market (teas, pills, herbs) that can help with milk production but your best chances are to find someone who is physically fit, healthy, has average size boobs and is committed to eating healthy and pumping their breasts for several hours a day to ensure maximum baby milks. godspeed