Why do women think it's okay to feed their child artificial milk instead of feeding the milk directly from your body...

you'd think breastfeeding is easy, since its natural and all that, but its not. Its extremely difficult and is very time consuming.

Babies have a hard time latching on, sometimes you don't produce enough milk, it takes time to get "in the rhythm". Not to mention you're exhausted because a newborn will sleep for 2-4 hours max.


Why are you asking this question here? Shouldn't you be shitposting about this in your home board instead of trying to force your shitty culture in places where you are both a rapefugee and unwelcome?

Some women actually do not produce milk at all, or very little.

More accurately you have to make rent/pay the mortgage/save for retirement/pay the tens of thousands of dollars in hospital bills you incurred when having the kid

>thousands of dollars in hospital bills for giving birth in there
Damn America is really a joke isn't it

What's the reason doctors tell them to only do it till 6 months of age or something like that? Wouldn't it lead to baby gains if they do it for longer? I think it would be a great idea once a child can eat normal food to feed him with breast milk as well as other nutritious food.

Marketing. There's entire industries built around this sort of thing. Look at all of the "kid" stuff. Children have the same dietary requirements as adults in slightly different proportions.
It's not the massive influx of brown hordes bringing down the average? What breast feeding does do is prepare the infants digestive system for solid food. Ask any fat and unhealthy people if and how long they were breast fed and a particular trend will become apparent.

You don't actually care about this. You just made this thread to talk about your fetish.

you aren't suppose to give birth in a daycare retard