>a 90 year old woman squats more than you
A 90 year old woman squats more than you
Old people lifting properly is good shit.
Because her programming is actually decent (starting strength).
That's a good morning
>not below parallell
>bent over knees
>knees flexed
>barely above parallel
That's a squat
Mmmm sexy.
You only squat 1 plate?
>tfw can’t deadlift the bar
no she doesn't
What the fuck is your squat?
I hope no one squats like that
Great squat but I do 315x2 so no she does not
she's not lifting with proper form.
>form fagging a 90 year old
lmao what is this shitty Good morning squat with high-bar neck placement
I'd fire the PT.
>Lmao 1 plate
>Not even half reps
>doing a pseudo good morning instead of a squat
Fucking boomers.
I'd fuck her tbqh
>not fully locking out
>deadlifting suit
>knees caving
Nice half rep good morning.
>be me
>covid belly
>decide to say fuck it, let's go on that bulk
>get all my lifts in order
>adequate weights for a beginner in bench, ohp, and diddly
>squat motherfucking 65lbs
WTF guys. How did this happen? How is this possible?
>that woman
[x] doubt
Dogshit form - work on it. Remember that squat is the most mechanically complex lift, barring of course olympic lifts
Also, consider doing recomp instead of a bulk - works better as a beginner
This is all very interesting but how much do you squat? Let's quantify the progress in absolute terms we all understand, like pounds on the bar through full range of motion.
This is after 2 months of working on it, lol. I've had to lower the weight as I realised I was cheating every which way a could.
And real question time. The bulk is already happening. It was happening before I realised due to inactivity because of lockdown. I'm Mr. Mom to some grade schoolers that suddenly couldn't go to school, and I bruised a rib in March to boot, so I was suddenly couch ridden. I figured now was the time to up my protein and go for my 1234, and then when I go back to work someday and I'm naturally more active I'd recomp.
In light of all that, do you still think cutting now and bulking later makes sense?
>trains for 75+ years
>squats 1.5pl8
women lmao
Not even one pl8. It says 25 right there. It's like 30 lbs
surely you meant to type 165 r-right?
It’s in kg
Nice tits
that's probably kilos mate
She is
>Good morning squat with high-bar neck placement
Ask me how I know you're dyel
Would fit eat her pucci for ten minutes for $75,000,000(untaxed nigga)? It would be broadcasted and streamed live.
Dude's shirt says "Houston" so I cast doubt on metric usage
kg plates don't usually go up past 20kg (45lbs). Besides, if it were 25 kilos it would look much bigger than that