The girl i used to make fun of in HS became a lawyer and a pretty attractive woman in his mid 20s...

She's smart enough to become a lawyer. Why would she waste her life on an idiot that post on 4chinz that can't even form proper sentences.


Very good question

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because im tall jacked and have a good face, she had to become a lawyer with cope with all the insecurities, deep down she still likes me but cant accept it, i may go for her sister or best friend now

yes i had that crisis but its over now, i told my sister about it and she said she was the wrong one because in HS you are a kid yet, then i asked her best friend number and she gave it to me, so fuck it bros im gonna fuck my sister best friend

>i may go for her sister or best friend now
Absolute Chad move if you can pull this off and flaunt it to her

Send her a picture of your penor with a gavel emoji and say erection sustained

nice fake blog

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>I inherently deserve shit
>people who worked hard for anything are copers
I don't even care about the bitch, this is a very un/fit/ way of thinking. Read some books nigger.
