If I sleep under 6 hours I will feel literally schizophrenic the next day and won't be able to function, form sentences, problem solve, anything. I will be so incoherent that I have actually been asked at work if I am drunk.
Recently I have been sleeping from 10:30pm - 8:30pm (10 hours) and feel as though I never really wake up during the day. Rested but foggy. Can you sleep too much?
9 hours a night, same wakeup and bed time for decades on end. Wake up early and do some cardio, make a nice breakfast and lunch, do your job or have your day or whatever, as soon as you get home hit the gym, chill out until bed time nice and early.
Jace Wood
Exactly 5 REM cycles on a hardwood floor before the sun comes up
Jordan Ross
Imagine your cardio bunny twink BF gets back from his night shift, see's you like this and slowly swirls the tip of your cock in his mouth. Lapping at your frenulum trying to drain as much precum leaking out of it as possible while your cock swells in his mouth. I think that would be pretty neat.
James Ortiz
7 PM - 3 AM
Owen Torres
>Can you sleep too much? Yes, try to avoid it. If you wake up for a short moment and see on the clock that you've been sleeping for 7-8 hours, don't fall asleep again. Even better if the sun or sound wakes you up in the morning so you have a natural schedule that your body starts following.
Henry Jenkins
6 hours, or 4 REM cycles is too little for most people. You might be able to get by with lots of coffee, but you will be perpetually exhausted and you'll never recover well from your workouts.
7.5 (5 REM cycles) is the minimum to have a good day with normal recovery.
9 (6 REM cycles) is optimal for muscle recovery, and having a productive day. when i get 9 hours I can work a full day, workout, and still come home to study or read. Way more mental energy and clarity when I sleep 9 hours.
>9 (6 REM cycles) is optimal for muscle recovery, and having a productive day. when i get 9 hours I can work a full day, workout, and still come home to study or read. Way more mental energy and clarity when I sleep 9 hours. bitch i can do that on 6:30
Luis Miller
10-12pm - 8-12am
Brandon Anderson
i can only get like 4-5 hours a night...i dont feel like im even fully funcitoning like ever.
Anthony Wood
21:00 to 5:00-15. Harder workouts put that to 6-630
Levi Jenkins
Blake Collins
For me it’s all about circadian rhythm. If I slept from 11 to 4am I’d feel more rested than if I slept from 1 to 9am
Nolan Gonzalez
4:00AM - 8:30 AM - 3 Cycles
12:00PM - 13:30PM - 1 Cycle
17:00PM - 18:30PM - 1 Cycle
If you're interested look up polyphasic sleeping. You should find out how many sleep cycles you need. It's usually around 4 to 6. Then you can figure out how to break them down throughout the day/night.
If you really wanna go down the rabbit hole you should look into utilising microsleep.
unless youre in complete control of your entire day with no commitments and dont wanna spend time with other people just fuck off
Jackson Jenkins
Polyphasic sleeping sounds incredibly schizophrenic and I bet it cuts at least 20 years off your life.
Thomas Roberts
Doesn't matter how much I sleep, usually feel like shit. This year I'll try to go to sleep around 11:30pm everyday because that was when I felt least like shit considering I usually go to sleep much later. I wake up 6am for work.
Ryan Phillips
Pillow or no pillow?
Owen Myers
the fuck is wrong with you
Austin Jenkins
Any nocturnal Zig Forumsiznes here? What if you sleep on pitch black room at 7 in the morning and wake up 5 in the afternoon? Would that be a good sleep schedule? Or I HAVE to sleep in the night time??
Jonathan Hughes
Damn, 19.5 hours of shut eye and 4.5 hours of eating+exercise. That's quite a routine
Adam Morales
it's completely natural in some climates, ex. when its so hot around 3pm that working outside is a net loss people adapted to taking afternoon naps. obviously indoor climate control makes that irrelevant but its physiologically viable
Easton Young
I saw your mom, She opened up her legs and said 10 bucks
Jason Moore
“Military time”
Brainlets really think anyone who doesn’t use AM/PM is some sort of hyper intelligence special forces operator
Anthony Reyes
8PM - 4AM This schedule works fucking awesome for me. I often naturally wake up prior to my alarm around 3:30AM, so I start my day then.
James Moore
It literally takes me 45min-2+ hours to fall asleep every night.