Girls like spontanious and fun guys, not people who plan all their meals a month in advance. What are you going to say if she wants to go out to eat, "oh sorry babe I can't risk going above my calorie limit, ooh ahh!" Girls don't care about fit guys if it comes at the expense of their fun.
Girls don't want fitness nuts
Your picture doesn't match your words
Jokes on you I fuck dudes.
I’m on steroids I can eat and do whatever I want retard
There are many women who likes that, it's comforting and reassuring.
Give me the damn microphone.
Listen up.
I'm sick and tired of all you entitled ass Off-Topic pieces of trash running your damn mouths.
Every single day, I see 'em!
BBC posters!
R9K defeatists!
Lookism baiters!
Feelsposting carcasses!
Vegan and Carnivore posters!
And worst of all, Zig Forumsfags!
So I tell you what I'm'on do, you sum'bitches!
I'm gonna take my mouse,
I'm gonna click on the post number,
I'm gonna click on the reply box,
And I'm gonna type in the reply box!
I said I'm gonna type in the god damn reply box!
I'm gonna call you a nigger!
A pavement ape!
A porch monkey!
A no good son-of-a-sheboon!
An auto-zone-burning, store-looting, low-life piece of subhuman trash!
I'm gonna cuss out the jannies!
I'm gonna make them do their damn jobs!
And then I'm gonna solve the captcha,
The one with the fire hydrants,
The one with the traffic lights,
The one with the bicycles,
The one with the cars,
The one with the buses,
The one with the CROSSWALKS!
I'm gonna click Post!
I said I'm gonna click Post!
I'm gonna make everyone sage the thread!
I'm gonna report the thread for Off-Topic Trash!
I'm gonna hide the thread!
And then I'm gonna do it again the moment I see one,
Based and redpilled
Just look like the juicy bois on dating TV shows, take roids, then only have a cheat meal if you're on a date.
You'll stay nice and juicy and get laid at least a couple times a week
Man, I want to go canoeing alone with a gallon of ice cream.
just take your (You) you animal
Why? lol
This post was made by a gain goblin
Repeat after me: girls want GOOD. LOOKING. GUYS.
cool bro good post
And i don't have a girlfriend
>caring about the opinions of women
I'd just not be an autist and diet around it cause I have a brain. And if I need to I'll just lift or run more.
op is a faggot but this still stands
With good-looking guys.
be fat PLer
She looks like one of those AI faces that consolidate the average facial appearance for an ethnicity
I don't recall caring what woman want, this is what I want, and they'll want me regardless because of it
Repeat after me: all women are whores
Yes even your and my mom.
Faggots who care about what women think & demoralization threads
There doesn't exist a more iconic duo
>Girls like spontanious and fun guys, not people who plan all their meals a month in advance. What are you going to say if she wants to go out to eat, "oh sorry babe I can't risk going above my calorie limit, ooh ahh!" Girls don't care about fit guys if it comes at the expense of their fun.
It's just another shit test. What you do is eat something healthy while out or eat healthier around going out with them. And never act like it bothers you.
Girls want you to be their second dad. They want you to make them feel safe and protected. They want you to take them to eat fun foods.
And that is all shit tests are: chances to prove you are peek dad. Dad takes them to olive garden, gets the steak, and is nothing but smiles and jokes, happy to be spending the evening with his 28 year old princess.
Alpha fux beta bux
unironically this