What is the correct move here?

What is the correct move here?

Attached: 1601655443445.webm (540x960, 1.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=russian gives blow job then kisses stranger&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS876US876&oq=russian gives blow job then kisses stranger&aqs=chrome..69i57.7094j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Why is the writing russian but all but the last guy looks american?
I'd pop a boner
Ur move thot

based Russians pushing her ass off

grab her hips and shove your tongue down her thoat

I would probably punch her with a closed fist desu.

imagine it was the other way around. dude would be in jail.

I'd wanna say grope her but honestly I can be pretty moody a lot of the time so it depends.

Based zoomer public sexual harassment coming back

they believe it's a scam or a prostitute

They're doing it, but the chaddest way is to grab her by the hips and lift her off you like a little girl, instead of pushing her away like some faggot

Imagine if it were your mom, dudes pelvis would be shards


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>that haircut
>those crazy eyes
>that nose
My guess is that she was expelled from her last relationship

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Whenever people try to embarrass me I just play along. I've had women do shit like reach under my shirt and honk my man tits and in response I honk their tits.
When you do this it's more embarrassing for them than it is for you.

She look pretty i make sex with on train


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>not immediately headbutting her and going for the ground and pound, while screaming like an unhinged chimpanzee

Certified based response. Only right answer is grab her wide ass hips and push down over and over again.

hip thrusts x failure

Accidentally punch her cause someone jumped on me, feel guilty for punching her when I realize she wasn't trying to hurt me, then feel stupid cause it's her fault and I shouldn't feel bad. So basic spaghetti spillage, class 3.

My inner Chad says I'd grab her ass and introduce myself. But real life says I'd react the same way as these guys. I'm sure she'd lift herself off after feeling my throbbing dick through my pants seeing as I haven't touched a woman in 10 months and I quit porn.

After seeing that cum-in-mouth-then-kiss-a-stranger russian video, I'm convinced the correct move is to push her the fuck off and even strike her several times (telling the police you feared for your life, of course, she attacked you first).

No one is going to cum kiss me, bitch.

You immediately beat her to a pulp beyond the point of justifiable self-defense

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>After seeing that cum-in-mouth-then-kiss-a-stranger russian video

>After seeing that cum-in-mouth-then-kiss-a-stranger russian video, I'm convinced the correct move is to push her the fuck off and even strike her several times (telling the police you feared for your life, of course, she attacked you first).

Attached: le incel face.png (378x567, 28.39K)

I remember driving with my parents back home when I was 7 in north moscow and my dad laughing at a 10/10 blonde long-legged prozzie sticking her hand out wanting for a "car", the sad pup face she made when she realised it was a family car was funny. Too many scams like this post 1992

its pretty clear its not her hitting on you though, especially since she keeps looking back at the guys filming

you would assume the guys filming are a pimp and shes a prostitute or that youre about to get robbed or something else bad is going to happen to you

Do a horizontal bench press and see how far I can push a thot.

fucking headbutt it

stop forcing this meme you dumbass redditor

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based as fuck russians

wow you're a stupid bitch
>google.com/search?q=russian gives blow job then kisses stranger&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS876US876&oq=russian gives blow job then kisses stranger&aqs=chrome..69i57.7094j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>stop forcing this meme you dumbass redditor

Attached: 1601644166183.png (392x590, 31.84K)

>I'd pop a boner and say "how's this for a start?" But then again I'm not autistic like you.

Yeah but there's a specific one where the russian girl walks like 2 miles to the park with cum in her mouth the entire time