What is the correct move here?

Do a horizontal bench press and see how far I can push a thot.

fucking headbutt it

stop forcing this meme you dumbass redditor

Attached: back to reddit.jpg (396x382, 40.92K)

based as fuck russians

wow you're a stupid bitch
>google.com/search?q=russian gives blow job then kisses stranger&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS876US876&oq=russian gives blow job then kisses stranger&aqs=chrome..69i57.7094j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>stop forcing this meme you dumbass redditor

Attached: 1601644166183.png (392x590, 31.84K)

>I'd pop a boner and say "how's this for a start?" But then again I'm not autistic like you.

Yeah but there's a specific one where the russian girl walks like 2 miles to the park with cum in her mouth the entire time