the only groups of people i've seen oppose tattoos are pseudo-intellectual Zig Forums incels and firm handshake dinosaur boomers
Tattoos, tats, ink..Whatever
Good for men. Horrible on women.
if you're fit, do whatever the fuck you want.
if you're fat and get tattoos, it's like trying to draw art on shit-stained toilet paper
if you're a woman, tattoos = daddy issues and whore
even instagram sluts are starting to come around, there's an actual niche for tattoo-free girls, now.
Because everyone has them. It’s gotten to the point where if you want to piss off your dad, just don’t get a tattoo.
got dat incel rage
>instagram sluts
yes truly the demographic whose opinion really matters
Always no.
There is literally nothing it adds, only subtracts. People will often turn down a person just because tattoos, both in dating and professional. Youre only gambling with no potential winnings.
You like tattoos? Get one. You don't like them? Don't get any. It's really that simple.