Tattoos, tats, ink..Whatever

Tattoos, tats, ink..Whatever.

Yay or nay?

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If you don’t have a bigboy job or personality, they’re perfect.

I would only get a tattoo if I was some special operations hardass/career criminal whose seen some shit. Anything else just seems vain.

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Tattoos are an immediate indication of sub-human IQ

of tribal/cultural significance (which you belong to) only

whos that?

Why don't you tatoo some muscle on yourself you cookie cutter

vining, top tier operator that looks like a nerdy guy

seething virgins
I have both my sleeves done and I make more than 120k a year as a project manager and thats without counting crypto
stay poor and ugly

One of the original members of Delta Force.

Attached: cVining.jpg (300x400, 22.44K)

the only groups of people i've seen oppose tattoos are pseudo-intellectual Zig Forums incels and firm handshake dinosaur boomers

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Good for men. Horrible on women.

if you're fit, do whatever the fuck you want.

if you're fat and get tattoos, it's like trying to draw art on shit-stained toilet paper

if you're a woman, tattoos = daddy issues and whore

even instagram sluts are starting to come around, there's an actual niche for tattoo-free girls, now.

Because everyone has them. It’s gotten to the point where if you want to piss off your dad, just don’t get a tattoo.

got dat incel rage

>instagram sluts
yes truly the demographic whose opinion really matters

Always no.

There is literally nothing it adds, only subtracts. People will often turn down a person just because tattoos, both in dating and professional. Youre only gambling with no potential winnings.

You like tattoos? Get one. You don't like them? Don't get any. It's really that simple.

Must have in the Rockabilly Music Scene.

Attached: rockabilly-style-men.png (300x409, 197.2K)

we're talking tattoos, and sluts are the main tattoo carriers, so...

Tattoos are cope for a lack of character and personality. Unless you’re military or part of a similar bond you’re likely just a posing faggot.

Imagine being such a massive wave slave that you can't even get a tattoo without pissing off your owner. Most successful men could cover themselves in tattoos and no one could say a word

right. pendulum swings, etc.

what an insightful """opinion""", totally worth posting

Go back to r*ddit

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you could literally get a tattoo anywhere but on your fucking face and no one would know, how is this hard?


keep coping nigger
I could buy you faggot

Well put.
So on the Filet-o-Fish, can I get the tarter sauce on the side?

Nay, it's for the women and gay

how depressed was rich?

>dated a hyperbimbo
>bitch stole from him
>he goes back to his ultrabimbo ex cause he couldn't find anything better

>babysitting this thread and responds in less than 1 min
he mad

Sure thing mate lol, we all do, keep coping

Lmao, reddit is literally full of ''Nice tattoo bro, it really suits your personality'' faggots, so its you who should go and join them

>he doesnt have 2 monitors dedicated to shitposting
summer has ended get out

If you have to ask other people's opinions on whether you should get a tattoo then you probably don't have the confidence to pull one off and will end up regretting it.

none should defile their skin with ink, as you were made in God's image and are therefore defacing the work of our Creator. i understand while combat military roles (no fucking comms or supply trannies) get them, but even then it's wrong. anyone else with tattoos is either someone with no personality, insecure and trying to look badass/manly, or is just a shitter