How to tell if someone is on PEDs?

Do lots of people lie about being Natty?
Can I get big without PEDs?

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If they make money from aesthetics or performance, then they are probably not natty. Most of the time, people talking about "genetics" mean roids.

Is there nothing that visually gives it away? Vasularity? Nipples?

Looking like you lift. Even world class natties barely look like they lift without excellent lighting.
Inb4 a bunch of noobs come in to argue.

traps, shoulders, size and leanness, timeframe
also look for signs of gyno
and if they make money from their strength or physique there's no question about it.


So what's the point of lifting weights at all?

I started a few months ago and I'm loving my beginner gains, but is this all I'm going to get? I dont want to do PEDs for temporary gains and man-tits!

You can improve the way you look, but every natty I have ever met garners 0 attention outside the gym. Nobody stops and tells them how swole they are. Do it for yourself. Find an aspect of fitness that motivates you. Do it for your physical and mental well-being.

So what will my ceiling be? Can I not get big at all? Just lean and defined?

Bro, ignore that fag. Obviously gains will slow down but as long as you’re lean you will always look better than if you didn’t lift. Besides that’s not the only point of lifting. A man needs to be strong. You need to push past your limits, when your body is screaming in pain, yet you keep going cause you’re a tough mother fucker. Listening to some high test music. Having women feel up your hardened body. That’s what it’s about. Sure, you’ll never look like some of these roided up freaks, but a lifetime of fitness is more important and if you absolutely stop making gainz, you just maxed out your body. Now maintain it and focus on other shit.

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What are some visual signs of PED usage?

I can't tell you that. You can look good natty. I'm just trying to temper your expectations. People will not stop you and tell you how buff you are randomly walking down the street.
That being said, drugs should be avoided, especially if you are just starting. Don't be a loser taking roids for no reason. Save it for pro athletes.

There are certain indicators that point to gear use, mostly how dry/lean you look. Naturals can never get that dry look, they always look wet and soggy. Steroid users get veins, more separation, as well as thin and red skin. It really comes down to the age old:

Pick 2:


Thanks for the advice. It's sad that there is a natural ceiling at all.

Is OP image natty?

get a load of this blackpill dyel
just because you're seeing no gainz on your three day a week couple-of-sets routine doesn't mean people that want it and work for it seriously don't shred and bulge

idiot faggot

I’d like to add if you have some fantasy about fucking tons of bitches, having them approach you, and absolutely lose their shit for you, toss that shit in the garbage asap. Banging tons of hoes will not fulfill you. It’s a risky business that degrades your spirit if you treat it like a drug. Bitches are insane too. One will try to make you stick around by getting pregnant without your consent, another might give you an std, you might get financially fucked, your emotions can get thrown upside fucking down for years by some bitch. You don’t really want that casual sex treating women like fuckdolls lifestyle. Straighten your shit out and eventually a good girl will come to you. Women aren’t meant to be revered so hard, they become life companions and partners when you are ready for it.

Get a load of this guy. You probably think AthleanX is natty. Wait till you've been training as long and as hard as I have, and your perspective will change.

God didn’t intend for us to only focus on our flesh cages.

Post physique

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Go to Zig Forums with this shit, emo-fags


Cannonball shoulders of over developed traps are two ways to notice. Also advanced aging of the skin.

I would say yes. Not dry at all, he’s 5’3 or something ridiculous. It’s easy to camera fraud but if you saw him in real life you would realize he’s small as fuck (like all naturals).

Sorry to tell you brother, your diet and routine is shit. Don't listen to tho instagram brainwashed cuck.

I'm female and attracted to Alex. I want to throw him around like the little manlet he is and force him to fuck me.

Sorry, I've killed your sacred cow.

Post physique mister fitness expert

>low BF (dick skin)
>extremely veiny
extremely watery, yet low BF
round ass shoulders, muscle have a 3D look

>tfw got natty cannonball shoulders so people always assume i'm roiding

Should I just become a fraud since everybody thinks I am one anyways?

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This is roidlet cope. You can get big and look good natty, it’s just 3x as hard and takes 3 times as long

Bro people tell me I’m big all the time and I’m literally not. I’m 215lbs at 6’2 and painfully natty.

>Do lots of people lie about being Natty?
Yes, especially influencers and fit celebrities. 90% are on juice
>Can you get big without them?
Yes but it takes time and patience - and a peak natty lifter will never be as lean as a juicing lifter of equivalent strength

I'm the same. Been told both on Zig Forums and in real life that my shoulders are impossible to achieve without roids.

post routine and pics pls