not that poster. post body tho, i want to see what a shittalking zoomer looks like
Why the fuck is benchpress so hard
Wow, you are a complete fucking retard.
So in your mind
>Not having access to proper equipment
>Not knowing what to do
>being fucked by corona
>consistent 4-5 days a week for 2 years
>not naturally built for lifting
How the fuck do you make that jump?
I swear 90% of you fuckers aren't even sentient, let alone human.
I didn't make it up. I still worked out 4-5 days a week REGARDLESs of conditions. When I say that I mean it. Even when I couldn't go to the gym or didn't know proper form I hit the gym and did my routines to the best of my ability. Knowing more and better now I can look back and still say I put in a hell of an effort and that I wasn't fucking around. You can rage all you want about it
>but that 1/10 time its goes smooth at butter for some reason.
I noticed that too. Usually if I drink a cup of coffee beforehand. In my experience the best combo for best performance is to have sex the day before (hire an escort if you must), get a good night sleep, drink a cup of coffee before the workout and you will absolutely demolish the weights.
>and that I wasn't fucking around
2 years and no 2pl8 says otherwise dumb cunt
Your denial doesn't change facts. You can absolutely go fuck yourself though given you're a complete garbage dump
>Your denial doesn't change facts.
And the fact is, you wasted your time for two years then tried to blame genetics like a faggot
>you're a complete garbage dump
That's rich coming from Mr. Nopl8
focus on ohp for a while.
I disagree completely. I learned a lot and definitely got a lot stronger. Believe it or not I was probably maxing like 80-90lbs when I first started and I hit 185 the other day which I'm quite proud of. I implied my genetics are probably a factor but that's not a cope when I'm still putting in 100% effort. I just don't beat myself up when I see people posting about how they hit a 2pl8 bench in 6 months. That's just not me. I'm in it for the long haul regardless of what happens so I'll get there.
The wall of cope that is your reply chain says otherwise.