Just hit 365 lbs lads, feeling good. Pic of whore unrelated.
New bench PR
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You look so fucking fat
nice work bro, keep it up
Im no expert, but that bar path looks fucked
giiood joob! also asssssssssssssssssssssssssss
It's alright I think considering that it's max. Bench won't have straight line path anyway for most people.
Also OP mirin and disregard haters like
That’s some big boy weight bro, good work. Bar path looks fine, don’t worry about it.
>365 lbs
>no spotter
if only we could all be so brave...
He has bars to protect him all he has to do is flatten his back
Sad guy is probably the one who disliked the vid
Why is there a prussian Flag on your window?
that pic is comfy until you've been on one of those country roads in the middle of fucking no where and some cunt comes flying round the corner at 80mph and because of the stupid giant hedges can't see you till you've smashed through his windscreen and he's 2 inch away from your exposed spleen and his passenger is wearing your intestine as a fucking scarf
Pics of Zuska are always related. She's literally one of my original inspirations, and I miss her now that she's not really active on YouTube anymore.
good jorb
slide your head towards your feet more to reduce the chance of clipping the uprights. if you aren't doing it, learn the self unrack. move the camera back so you can see your legs and hips/butt. this angle isn't the best
bar bath chart. his looks fine from this angle.
Didn't know that was her, man I have forgotten about her since 2013 or so.
I saw that she's back.
Aww shit. There goes my morning.
If she'd been born with even slightly bigger honkers and hadn't gone the balloon-tit route, she'd be the absolute perfect woman.
Oh guess im just a retard. Woops haha
You mean "shouldn't"
I agree, just don't waste all day lusting after her.
My bad mate, I don't pay much to grammatics aside from proper spelling.
great lift. most 4channers are way too afraid to show themselves because of fear of being doxxed. kudos to you my friend
Sick. That's a homegym, right? How do you hype yourself up? I'm working out at home now and I have trouble using the same intensity I do in the gym
The fight against coomers is proving difficult.
Theirs numbers are too strong
maybe go back to your discord you fucking tranny
what's wrong coomer? Ya gonna cry?
Post 365 bench, faggot
Thanks frens
Too much time with paradox games
Thankfully I got safeties. Last time I tried 365 I failed. It is so slow going trying to move up in weight
Lol I have no idea who she is. I just googled "generic gym thot" for the pic
Good work OP, hope you hit 400!
Thanks fren
Interesting image thanks for sharing
Yes, it is a homegym. To hype up I just remember how much I hate the government in my shitty meme country
That chart doesn't represent what OP is doing. The shift towards the face is happening too early, sign of either a loose arch or weak triceps. Usually if you take a person like this and have them hammer triceps like their life depends on it they can add 20-30 pounds to the bench in a month.