Looking for a femanon gf. Any of you girls interested?

Looking for a femanon gf. Any of you girls interested?

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Me too I am not OP but I am looking for a femanon egf

No not at all, I have a boyfriend.

i can take some time to listen to your pitch

depends, tell me about yourself user.

women dont exist on intenet

Do you look like your pic related? Thought so. Get in line, filthy 3d degenerate.

If you have nothing relevant to say then WHY THE FUCK DO YOU EVEN SAY IT? Goddamn normoids I swear

why would they want you when im clearly better in every possible way

No, you tell me about yourselves. Prove you're worth of my time.

No lol. Men are trash.

I'm interested if you're cute and you look like your op pic

you're the one looking for a girlfriend retard. i have no need to sell myself so that you'll consider me. better luck next time.

What a pathetic retard. Why do you think you deserve to be the one pursued? You're just an ugly piece of dog shit incel. Nobody will date such an entitled beta.

Kill yourself OP. No one wants a desperate loser like you. Especially not such a stupid one. Try not immediately revealing you're a bitter cunt next time, you pea brained dope.

The fuck are you even doing here, retard

No need to fight babes. There's enough me to go around.

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unfathomably based OP making roasties seethe

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Are there women on R9K?

Are they any good? I.E. functional women with intact instincts and labias?

i want a fembot gf that talks to me regularly

OP is the most based person on this board.

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What does intact labia mean. Do you mean hymen.

lmao holy based

I'll only take a girlfriend who
>Is white
>Isn't fat
>Is Catholic/conservative/a virgin waiting until marriage
>Doesn't drink or do drugs and never will
>Got at least a 2200 on the SAT
>Likes playing Monopoly
Form a line, ladies.

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I'd like to have more female friends, but I gave up on finding them here since they'll stop talking to me after one day.

>hold on a second I'm getting a call

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>female friends
>from Zig Forums
It's like someone replaced your brain with a literal pile of shit you fucking nigger brain moron. I mean seriously, female friends are a thing but no fucking chick on Zig Forums wants genuine friendship. They want an emotional sponge they can vent to while fucking other dudes and whining about it. I won't even begin to discuss how shit the women are that actually browse r9k. If you want a genuine friendship with a woman, get the fuck off Zig Forums, because you won't find genuine friendship here...especially not with a woman.

Yeah user, that's why I said I gave up. You wrote this entire post for what exactly?

>They want an emotional sponge they can vent to while fucking other dudes and whining about it. I won't even begin to discuss how shit the women are that actually browse r9k. If you want a genuine friendship with a woman, get the fuck off Zig Forums, because you won't find genuine friendship here...especially not with a woman.
I was promised that but I have yet to find a girl like that here. Where do I find a girl like that?

>I want friendship with a woman, but I gave up
You wrote that post for what exactly faggot?

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For (you)s. Original (you)s, of course.

>They want an emotional sponge they can vent to while fucking other dudes and whining about it.
I've met one girl from here and she's pretty based. We don't ever bring up emotional personal life shit though we just chill and talk about our hobbies. Not much of a friendship since it's online but I enjoy it.

*ring* *ring*
uuuh user ? I think this call for you

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>We don't ever bring up emotional personal life
That sucks

Bumping! If you want to be my egf please describe yourself/your interests a little

What happens if you decline a call from the based department?