Looking for a femanon gf. Any of you girls interested?

OP is the most based person on this board.

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What does intact labia mean. Do you mean hymen.

lmao holy based

I'll only take a girlfriend who
>Is white
>Isn't fat
>Is Catholic/conservative/a virgin waiting until marriage
>Doesn't drink or do drugs and never will
>Got at least a 2200 on the SAT
>Likes playing Monopoly
Form a line, ladies.

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I'd like to have more female friends, but I gave up on finding them here since they'll stop talking to me after one day.

>hold on a second I'm getting a call

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>female friends
>from Zig Forums
It's like someone replaced your brain with a literal pile of shit you fucking nigger brain moron. I mean seriously, female friends are a thing but no fucking chick on Zig Forums wants genuine friendship. They want an emotional sponge they can vent to while fucking other dudes and whining about it. I won't even begin to discuss how shit the women are that actually browse r9k. If you want a genuine friendship with a woman, get the fuck off Zig Forums, because you won't find genuine friendship here...especially not with a woman.

Yeah user, that's why I said I gave up. You wrote this entire post for what exactly?

>They want an emotional sponge they can vent to while fucking other dudes and whining about it. I won't even begin to discuss how shit the women are that actually browse r9k. If you want a genuine friendship with a woman, get the fuck off Zig Forums, because you won't find genuine friendship here...especially not with a woman.
I was promised that but I have yet to find a girl like that here. Where do I find a girl like that?

>I want friendship with a woman, but I gave up
You wrote that post for what exactly faggot?

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