Should I date a BPD girl?

>Should I date a BPD girl?
She has shown no red flags in a month of talking to her. She says she hasn't taken her pills in 2 months because she feels like she's good now.

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Let me put it like this
If you are not known as the most pokerfaced and restrained guy in your area and feel like really testing the limits of your selfcontrol and will to live?
RUN, block and do not look back or feel in anyway sorry.

But if you even bother to ask you will probably try it anyway, so enjoy your ride and GL.

Fuck me man.
I'll feel awful if I just ghost her.
What are some red-flags in your opinion specifically for BPD girls?

No, not if she's off meds. That's a bad idea.
Only date someone with mental illness if they are taking medication and regularly seeing a therapist.

>What are some red-flags in your opinion specifically for BPD girls?
A big red flag is if a girl has BPD

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the fact she's stopped medicating is a HUGE red flag.

guy who dated one here:

No. Never. Avoid them. They are worse than schizophrenics.

>What are some red-flags in your opinion specifically for BPD girls?
Is she really clingy, wanting to talk to you all the time? If so, just run. These girls are the kind that will be "deeply in love" one second and the next second they just go "I don't love you anymore" and fuck some other guy. They're a living form of mental torture in a human form.

Where to even start
The times of adoration where she will show next to all of the things that you find absolutely desirable but never hoped to find in a girl?
When she wants to know absolutely anything about you, is terrible eager to please and will seem like she is gladly becoming involved in even your most obscure and women-repelling hobbies just to spend more time with you, preferably ALL of your time?

As little as such will seem a 'red'flag and not a wet dream, things like that is how you know you are, FOR NOW, the adored center of her universe.
But as sweet as it is to experience, you should worry then, a lot.

If you want a normal life, don't. If you want more from life, give it a shot. What kind of coward wants a normal life?

yes you should. and if she changes mood at a wim, so should do. it'll confuse her and get rid of the bpd

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>Should I date a BPD girl?
As a general rule, no. 95% of them don't have it under control.
>She has shown no red flags
No red flags that you've noticed.
>She says she hasn't taken her pills because she feels like she's good now
Case in point. You're gonna get fucked m8.

>I'll feel awful if I just ghost her.
She's probably already trying to make you feel guilty. Better now than later.
>What are some red-flags in your opinion specifically for BPD girls?
If they're too nice to you. Love-bombing.

I am talking to one. She just gets sad a lot and stops responding for a week, then comes back full of energy and love. Not sure if she is fucking some other dude or is just depressed.

I dated someone with narcissistic personality disorder and she was better than the BPD girl I only briefly dated

>Should I date a BPD girl?
I don't see why not, every one deserves a shot. If she is being medicated have her continue it. Other than that, if you feel like the relationship isn't going to work out, be honest with her and try to break things off in amiable terms.

>I dated someone with narcissistic personality disorder and she was better than the BPD girl I only briefly dated
You've experienced the torment of BPD broads. I dated one for years. They're deceivingly awful (probably sociopaths).
If my "More to life" you mean mental agony for months/years to come.

>no red flags

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What scares me here btw:
Is the Pic in op her?!

Because my ex had a picture of her wearing the exact damn helmet, only in absolutely mousy clothing instead of a fuku.

Why do you think that?
Any stories please
No she's not really like that...
That's why I thought her BPD must have gone away(?) or been under control.
>She's probably already trying to make you feel guilty.
Can you elaborate?
She doesn't love bomb me btw

BDP is the most unstable and suicidal disorder out there
good luck buddy lol

>Any stories please
She would seem completely normal and down-to-earth most of the time so it's hard to pull a story but she would randomly wig out and either act like she didn't like me or try to do some fucked up shit to get to me like "stay the night" at a male friend's house or sometimes act crazy attached (I'm talking knife out kill you if you leave me crazy attached). 90% of the time BPDs can fake being normal but the truth is the 10% is really their nature.

I wouldn't wish a BPD girl on my worst enemy.

can you guys describe what made you feel that way ?

i mean my girlfriends psychologist told her she likely has bpd but so far she only yelled at me when i said something racist or mysogyn (and i wont stop with that because im retarded enough to find it funny) that made her feel like i invalidate the suffering a few of her friends had to go trough
also shes mildly agressive towards me when i ignore her while we are fighting or want to just leave without talking it out first

other then that she crys a lot because of her self image or something sad happened on tv or in a book

but she also loves me immensely, i get little gifts constantly, blowjobs or ass when i want to,
always happy to see me, practically worships me and has never told me she dislikes me.

maybe she doesnt have bpd after all

>also shes mildly agressive towards me
run. run. run. run. run. run.

you date her, sure. absolutely, and why not? i've had relationships with bpd girls. but here's the rub--you listen to me or you suffer immense, foreseen consequences.

1) they take their meds. if they do not take their meds, do not engage.
2) they will have episodes where they get sad or distant. do not chase after them. offer your sympathy and let them know you're there for them, but not an inch further lest they take you for a ride.
3) they will try to start an argument with you, and it may be over something ridiculous. this happens. you have to be a big man here and put your foot down. be willing to listen to what they have to say, but do not give into them when what they ask is insane, degrading, or otherwise stupid. you put your foot down and make your stance clear. this may make them sulk, make them angry, or make them feel the need to distance themselves. refer back to advice 2.
4) they may be flirty with others or have friendships that make you uncomfortable. if you feel these engagements of hers will do just that, do not engage. if you feel you can get over them, then continue on, but do not allow her to possess even an inkling of your jealousy, nervousness, or anxiousness regarding her friendships or connections. she will try to use this against you one day. instead, maintain a sense of trust in her, and if you find that she ever breaks this trust, you drop her, dump her, and never, ever engage with her again. this is not only out of respect for yourself, but to minimize the idea in your now crazy ex girlfriend that she can win you back.

these are my four best pieces of advice i can grant you or anyone else interested in chasing after a bpd girl. now you might read this and think--"surely with this much trouble, it is not worth it". bpd girls will love you in a way other girls won't be able to match, really. that's the trade off. good luck.

>two months off meds
>quarks usually demand you stay on them for 3+months since they need to reach a certain saturation level to work or such

Not good, Op. Really not good.

imagine encouraging someone to date the absolute psychos known as bpd girls

i've had successful and enjoyable relationships with bpd girls. you have to know how to tame them is all.

>pd girls will love you in a way other girls won't be able to match, really.
I feel you bro, I feel you
It really ruined me for 'healthy' relationships..

why ?
only in the most extreme cases and with mildly i really mean slightly punch me on the shoulder when i refuse to speak due to my autism when we have a fight, probably happened 3-4 times in 1,5 years
also she has been to the psychiatry and is currently in therapy because she said she would do everything for me and i can tell shes improving

>It really ruined me for 'healthy' relationships..
stop being a faggot and cut that shit out.

>only in the most extreme cases and with mildly i really mean slightly punch me on the shoulder

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>i've had successful and enjoyable relationships with bpd girls.
Are you in a relationship with one now? No? Hmmm, really makes you think. It's almost like there's no such thing as a long-lasting relationship with a bpd chick.

He's right though.

Why would she want you to stay the night at your friend's house? Wouldn't it make more sense that she'd want you to come back home to be with her?
How do You tame them?

>only in the most extreme cases and with mildly i really mean slightly punch me on the shoulder
run. run. run. run. run. run. run. run.

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>Why would she want you to stay the night at your friend's house?
Specifically to make me jealous. They're fucked in the head bro. The magical BPD unicorn doesn't exist and if she does she's probably like 40 years old and survived either being a cumrag for 900 guys or psychologically damaged at least half a dozen men.

>He's right though.
No. Only people with no self worth who think they can't do better think like that. Sure it will hurt at first, but all break ups hurt. You just move on.

>How do You tame them?
look at my post here

>Should I date a BPD girl?
>She has shown no red flags
I don't think you're getting this

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