Except on weekends.
Why do vaginas do this when they cum?
>You can ejaculate without orgasm
Lowest IQ thing ive ever heard. Youre an idiot.
full retard
then what about prostate massages ?
God it feels so good when this happens
>full retard
>then what about prostate massages ?
oh you are a faggot.
makes sense now.
haha look how funny it looks.
You can lol. Just because you've never done it or never heard about it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. I do it sometimes because you can go again right after, since ejaculation is what makes you disinterested in sex, not orgasm.
>oh you are a faggot.
>makes sense now.
I have never seen such and amazing argument in my life, Jesus fuck, how hard did you BTFO that guy, have some mercy man wtf.
>Prostate massages
Although I guess I can give you that even though some consider it a prostate orgasm, its still gay as fuck.
Omg that's so funny user thanks for posting I can't stop laughing