Why do vaginas do this when they cum?

that's the kegels spasming
idk why they just do it

Buttholes do the same thing nigga.

Oh that's the stuff

Attached: 1590943170142.png (1545x869, 193.01K)

I can't speak for every woman out there, but if you tried that with me, it would just push your dick out.

What if I fought against the pussy and pushed back against it in order to keep it in their?

Yeah haha that is funny. Post more funny ones hahahaaa...

look at that stupid face she makes while her butthole winks lol

Attached: .5.webm (406x720, 1.95M)

Just imagine the little puffs of air that her cunt blows every time her muscles spasm

Attached: 1594142817949.webm (480x360, 952.1K)

scuffed bipolar sasha grey is weirding me out

The virginity in this thread is really apparent.
The way the lot of you talk about this stuff makes me feel genuinely bad for you.