Why do vaginas do this when they cum?

why do vaginas do this when they cum?

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because your ballsack does the exact same thing you retard

because our muscles are contracting due the ropes we are about to unload. Not the same.

Imagine just sliding your cock into a girls pussy and leaving it in their without thrusting, then using a vibrator to masturbate her clit until she cums so you could feel her pussy contractions grip your cock

to milk the cock inside of them and draw up the cum further into the vagina to increase the chances of impregnation

Dribbles in my case

Muscles spasming with contractions due to the orgasm release, just like a man. The difference is that women have multiple waves of orgasms compared to men, who shoot out most of it at once with maybe a few teeny after-shots. Penis needs to shoot with max strength in one go, and the vaginal canal needs to milk it and push the load further towards the womb so it can drip down the fallopian tubes and seed the woman's eggs.

god, I want my face to be buried in that.

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Yes it is the same thing. Orgasm and ejaculation are separate. You can orgasm without ejaculating and you can ejaculate without orgasm.

>You can orgasm without ejaculating

Except on weekends.

>You can ejaculate without orgasm
Lowest IQ thing ive ever heard. Youre an idiot.

full retard

then what about prostate massages ?

God it feels so good when this happens

>full retard
>then what about prostate massages ?
oh you are a faggot.

makes sense now.

haha look how funny it looks.

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You can lol. Just because you've never done it or never heard about it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. I do it sometimes because you can go again right after, since ejaculation is what makes you disinterested in sex, not orgasm.

>oh you are a faggot.

>makes sense now.

I have never seen such and amazing argument in my life, Jesus fuck, how hard did you BTFO that guy, have some mercy man wtf.

>Prostate massages
Although I guess I can give you that even though some consider it a prostate orgasm, its still gay as fuck.

Omg that's so funny user thanks for posting I can't stop laughing

that's the kegels spasming
idk why they just do it

Buttholes do the same thing nigga.

Oh that's the stuff

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I can't speak for every woman out there, but if you tried that with me, it would just push your dick out.

What if I fought against the pussy and pushed back against it in order to keep it in their?

Yeah haha that is funny. Post more funny ones hahahaaa...

look at that stupid face she makes while her butthole winks lol

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Just imagine the little puffs of air that her cunt blows every time her muscles spasm

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scuffed bipolar sasha grey is weirding me out

The virginity in this thread is really apparent.
The way the lot of you talk about this stuff makes me feel genuinely bad for you.

>Ahaego face
What a fucking turn off. God that was cringy.

>virginity is bad
Just get out. You'll be happier as a result.

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I don't do prostate massages. You just hold your cum like you do piss. You'll still have an orgasm but you won't shoot anything.

isn't the female orgasm a vestigial bodily function like the male nipple, that serves no real purpose but because one gender needs it both get it in early development

It's not a bad thing.
Reading this thread though, man. I'm like physically uncomfortable by the palpable awkwardness.
The degree to which there is no hope that some of the anons in this thread will ever get laid is...large.

no it exists so that women are motivated to have sex lmao
if it didn't, the human race would only continue through rape

great, now l have to fap again

fair enough, I'm not going to defend the coomers in this thread.

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what's wrong with ahegao

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I like how you said that but didn't manage to squeeze out even the tiniest big of argumentation in 2 posts, I bet you're the type of person to say
>just b urself bro

Like it does in most species of animals. But your version does sound nicer and makes me feel better.