Why are women so much against everything primal and sexual they love and yearn for deep down...

Why are women so much against everything primal and sexual they love and yearn for deep down? Why can't they just admit that they enjoy getting treated like females do in the natural world by males? Why can they not admit they want to be practically raped and abused sexually and mistreated and used like a cheap masturbatory aid?

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because they're all retarded whores

Why don't you try raping a woman and see how she likes it?

if she wasnt brainwashed by the media to think that rape is bad she would love it

Women are conformists and extremely susceptible to groupthink. They conform to whatever they current society demands of them. In the past that meant being demure, not being a slut, not having sex before marriage, not cheating, raising children, being a good wife, etc.

Modern women have been manipulated and programmed by Jews into being degenerate. They think it is "empowering" to be sluts, to abuse their bodies, etc.

All the research shows women are more unhappy than ever. The most happy women in society are those who got married young and are raising children with a man they love. The least happy women are women who focused on career and slept around and had abortions. But it doesn't matter what is true, women follow the crowd and do what society at large expects of them.

>Why can they not admit they want to be practically raped and abused sexually and mistreated and used like a cheap masturbatory aid?

Yes, generally speaking most heterosexual women do. HOWEVER, that's only by those who they are attracted to. Obviously, almost no women would be open to such an experience by just anyone. The 80/20 rule is very real, and on a specific case-by-case basis, most women would only be open to something like that for only the best of the best of the type of man she's actually attracted to. Most married women are not even open to that kind of treatment from their own husbands, although many would certainly be open to it from someone she was far more attracted to.

This kind of open discrimination is not pragmatic at all, much less socially acceptable in the real world. It makes more sense, therefore, to just blanket condemn all of it as a society and to a lesser degree as individuals.

A lot of truth here as well.

They would like it. Women fucking love dominance. The love the conqueror burning her village to the ground beating her into submission and slinging her over his should all tied up while he rides back to his base on horse back.

You guys are fucking delusional. I don't like being raped because the media told me so, I don't like being raped because normal people don't like being raped.

I dont.
I told my partner once than I dont like it when he is rough, because I didnt, and he got deeply offended. I just hope than one day all men will be forcefully turned into sissies.


third wave feminism really eats itself alive with its contradictions
>being a slut is empowering!
>don't objectify me
letting women flip flop between either viewpoint whenever it's convenient for their situation

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i hate whores but these are not two different viewpoints
women get shamed for sleeping with men so fucking who you like is empowering
being objectified is something else entirely
how would you like it if a woman you talked to would get angry with you when you told her you already have a girlfriend ?
or if the ugliest nastiest old hags would constantly whistle at you ?


I've also been with a ton of girls romantically who get off to me forcing myself on them and generally not being gentle.

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Lrn 2 Lacan

There's a difference between actually being raped and having a fantasy about being forced or coerced into something or just being handled roughly. The link you gave even makes that distinction, along with this line:

>In fantasy, everything is permitted and nothing is wrong. Not everyone accepts this, but as sexual openness increases, so does willingness to daydream about sexual scenarios one would never really want to experience.

A vast majority redpill/blackpill/MGTOW/robot shitposting on women is absolutely true - and when it isn't absolutely true its the closest thing to the trust most people can see. I'm not going to validate you, OP, because you already know the answer to your own question. Anyone who spent even a tiny amount of time around women know they differ wildly from men and know what their predications are. The actual lesson her is to not lat the grating nature of women (or anyone) wear you down. How you respond to and integrate this knowledge is the acid test of your soul. There are plenty of shitty people in the world and you have to live with them. Even harder is to not be one of them.

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You're being pedantic. You know no one here means women literally want roving rape gangs to ravish them Mad Max style. The point of contention is women act prudish on matters of sexuality when it suits them.

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No, the point of contention was this comment: >You know no one here means women literally want roving rape gangs to ravish them Mad Max style.
And it's not pedantic to say that someone might not want to actually experience their fantasy except for a limited amount of time with a trusted, consensual partner.

Allow me to translate this post:
>Women act in a different way with men they actually want to fuck? Two-faced bitches!
Context matters in social behavior. A girl can want to get called a slut in one context and not another, in the same way that getting mocked for having a small penis can be an erotic delight for some men and worth murdering over for others. The men in this thread are just upset that women aren't willing to be sexual with them, so they act like women are hypocrites for reasonable, sane behavior.

Where in the FUCK have you seen a woman be shamed for being slutty in your lifetime?

like every other day when i was in school lol

They want power but without any sort of agency,

>Most married women are not even open to that kind of treatment from their own husbands

And how would you know that?

>how would you like it if a woman you talked to would get angry with you when you told her you already have a girlfriend ?
>or if the ugliest nastiest old hags would constantly whistle at you ?

As opposed to not being desired much at all if at all? Excellent. The average man receives far less attention than the average woman I can assure.

your a retard if you think nasty old hags using you as a dildo and then tossing you away would make you feel desired

I don't know about this. None of my fantasies are things I wouldn't want in real life, that's weird

Women are categorically, sluts. Sorry it's true. Woman have the exact same, if not higher, sex drive than men. The context is they do not like being reminded of their innate nature because sex is shamed publicly. See: conservatives, sex-negative feminists, robots, etcetc

You said old hags whistling at you not anything about nasty old hags using me as a dildo and tossing me away. There are plenty of women who don't mind male attention from males they have no intention of ever being involved with. Why can't it be the same for men here?

>Women see most men as nasty old hags.

Please make note of this.

Women are just more unrestrained.

your hilariously retarded

You seem to be thinking porn=real life. Do you think people into watersports would want to get pissed on in public

By other women

Big Bruh Moment

"Alpha fuck, beta bucks"
Look it up.

The type of man a woman usually marries is almost always less than her ideal. She couldn't secure a relationship with the better men of her cock carousel days because why should a guy with that much in the way of options ever settle down? Eventually she has to settle with a lesser desirable man because she's aged to the point where her peak sexual desirability has passed and she needs to latch on who she can (i.e. "the wall"). Remember that women have a biological prerogative to be taken care of, that's why they're also attractive to money, not just looks. Without any better options she will settle, but she often won't be willing to be treated like the alpha males treated her. I remember reading a story a couple years ago about a guy who found an old college video of his current wife getting gang banged by guys who were doing things to her she wouldn't allow him to do to her. (Could someone reading this find that article?)

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