Would you let a diagnosed autistic femanon who's sort of cute live with you?
Would you let a diagnosed autistic femanon who's sort of cute live with you?
Get a job you lazy cunt.
As always, the answer is yes if she has sex with you and no if not.
>Get a job
i have a job, I'm just scared to live on my own.
i have an extra bed in my moms basement
yeah idc i just want to be loved this is fuckin bullshit
no? not unless we were in a serious relationship or something (or we were room mates and she split the bills)
yea i think im good. last one lead me on and got with someone with the same name as me
>I'm just scared to live on my own.
It's great,
You can sit in your computer chair naked and no one is around to judge you.
I live with my parents still, so probably not. Sorry user.
You're just larping anyway though, I don't actually feel bad.
>we were room mates and she split the bills
yes let's do it user. or I can be your wife
I wish I was larping, im this pathetic.
There's no way an actual girl who needed to room with someone would go on Zig Forums to do it. They'd just get a bf or something.
If you have a job how come you don't have a place to live in?
Sure but the real question is whether you'd let an autistic user that's not cute live with you
>>yes let's do it user
>implying i'm not a major neet manchild that lives with his parents
Let's bite the bait!
Sure, as long as we split the bills, rent and chores I agree to do it. Also how long is your hair?
Yes but you need to let me speak on your behalf in social gatherings, order for you at restaurants/diners and you'd have to grind my pkmn crystal team at least an hour a day while I'm busy.
>yes let's do it user. or I can be your wife
Where are you from? You'd have to move to my state.
>just get a bf
if i liked someone after living with him then i would just become his gf by default if he likes me too
>you need to let me speak on your behalf in social gatherings, order for you at restaurants/diners and you'd have to grind my pkmn crystal team
i barely talk in public so thats not problem
Yeah, but you would have to take care of my house and potentially house sit for like 2 or 3 years while I work overseas.
Aaah, we gotta workout the plumbing problem then but I think it will be fine. Where are you from, anonette?
yeah if she's ok with me bringing my bf over every other day
east coast
you can bring over anyone you want but i'll stay in my room the whole time because i dont like social interactions
>I work overseas
doing what?
>You'd have to move to my state.
i would move anywhere too
I'm calmly requesting you back off on this one namefriend, she needs an Alpha not an omega.
Eeeh, I am from EU so it looks like it won't happen. If we get a civil war here I might try to escape to the USA tho so if you could get me a visa we can become roommates ^_^
I'm not far from the east coast.
[email protected]
If I was looking for a roommate, yeah. Maybe she could even introduce me to her cute autistic femanon friends... I wish girls were real...
A namefag is a supreme posterform, buddy. It allows others to worship the name by copying it, unlike a tripfag.
god this is embarrassing
>is willing to make a huge commitment (moving out of "her" own state
>doesn't know who any of these robots look like, what their personality is, etc.
>already has like 10 orbiters
this is your brain on desperation.
>femanon friends..
im sorry to disappoint but i have zero friends male or female otherwise i would
i will email you