Would you let a diagnosed autistic femanon who's sort of cute live with you?

Aaah, we gotta workout the plumbing problem then but I think it will be fine. Where are you from, anonette?

yeah if she's ok with me bringing my bf over every other day



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east coast
you can bring over anyone you want but i'll stay in my room the whole time because i dont like social interactions
>I work overseas
doing what?

>You'd have to move to my state.
i would move anywhere too

I'm calmly requesting you back off on this one namefriend, she needs an Alpha not an omega.

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Eeeh, I am from EU so it looks like it won't happen. If we get a civil war here I might try to escape to the USA tho so if you could get me a visa we can become roommates ^_^

I'm not far from the east coast.

If I was looking for a roommate, yeah. Maybe she could even introduce me to her cute autistic femanon friends... I wish girls were real...

A namefag is a supreme posterform, buddy. It allows others to worship the name by copying it, unlike a tripfag.