>These things are distinctly not black culture, and they are signalling they are willing to leave that lifestyle behind That's fucking retarded. Anime and Asian culture in general has been a huge part of black culture since the 70s.
In the 70s, movie theaters in black neighborhoods could only afford to play Kung fu movies, which got black people interested in martial arts and Asian culture. See The Last Dragon and Wu Tang Clan.
The natural progression of this was anime. When Kung fu movies fell in popularity and anime started being aired in the 90s, black people picked it up back when it was still considered nerdy in mainstream American culture. Even Adult Swim acknowledged that a big chunk of the Toonami viewers were always black and latino. There are famous rappers right now doing fucking interviews with CrunchyRoll like wtf are you saying lmao
As a matter of fact, some of the biggest rappers of the mid 00s were fucking weebs. So much of 00s hip hop fashion was Japanese. BAPE was one of the biggest streetwear brands and it was made in Japan.
I'm talking about African American culture you dipshit, not the country of Japan itself lol. You're not black so you clearly don't know. Asian culture has a huge influence on black youth culture lol. My dad still fucking watches Bruce Lee movies. Hip hop and anime have always gone hand-in-hand in America. What do you think The Boondocks was?
>where are all the black people? You don't know about all the nigerians in Tokyo?
Camden Wilson
Bro you have very serious autism if your evidence here is "uhhh blacks/latinos don't fucking love DBZ/street fighter because they don't often learn japanese and move across the world!!!"
Zig Forums so clearly knows absolutely nothing about black people yet always tries to act like they're an authority on it. Just because the imaginary black guy you've built up in your head doesn't like anime doesn't mean that any person who DOES like it is trying to leave black culture behind. Black people were weebs and comic book nerds before it was considered cool.
but all those girls are fat and ugly also your stupid every nigga watches anime have you even met a black person? t. mutt then stop posting loser your post doesn't matter
Isaiah Sanchez
bro i dont think that r9k cares abou "black culture" at all. i just gotta support it so they will date each other instead of trying to mix into other groups
Jaxon Parker
I agree, and understand. But I am saying that the Japanese perception of African American Culture, and African American perception of Japanese culture go through the game of telephone that is culture, rather then flesh and blood reality of living in a majority African Americans or majority Japanese city. It's not real contact