Why do men never play hard to get?
>tfw no flirtatious tease bf
Why do men never play hard to get?
They do, they are called Chads, sadly you are too fug to ever have dated one.
>Why do men never play hard to get?
because we just want pussy not mind games.
Only guys who play hard to get are pua fags.
So let me get this straight: on is a homosexual for appearing attractive to a girl?
The only people that play hard to get are those that are genuinely not interested in you. Chads are the only men that do it because they have options, and you are not their first option.
Cuz if I do it I will be treated like a piece of furniture by every woman in a 5km radius
I think this is more of a woman thing. When a man seems like he doesn't want you, chances are he really doesn't.
Is that why they called it the Ottoman Empire?
Sadly my comment is too unoriginal for this board
no, but you asked why men never play hard to get and the few who do are going to be pick up artist wanna be types.
Also when we say fag its not calling them homosexual per say its just a term we use here like newfag or furfag.
Do men really see no virtue in being attractive to anyone?
Because odds are she'll just move on to one of the next 5000 guys in line.
This pretty much.
Also, from my experience, you can't play hard to get with most girls because, from my experience, they aren't the ones who do the most 'getting'.
It would be fun to do that sort of shit: certainly an attractive trait, imo, a girl who knows what she wants - but I'd like to think I do to, so expect some competition.
*Insert Chad face meme*
That's not true because with flirting and playing hard to get you will elevate yourself above these 5000 guys
Women love a bit of spice and intrigue in their life. Speaking from experience.
Whats the risk to reward for guys? You play hard to get and she is like lol whatever and your crush gets her cheeks clapped like donkey kong by some other guy or you have a small chance she finds it attractive like you. Guess whats more likely to happen.
Which is why only Chads and rich celebrities can play hard to get.
Why does anyone "play hard to get"?
Shit's retarded
It's such a weird question that I'm not even sure if you formulated it right.
Of course we enjoy making ourselves attractive, we just don't expect to be pursued when we see a girl we like just from being attractive. Its assumed most guys who get pursued like that are complete chads. It isn't true, but its rare enough so that we don't rely on it, or rather, shouldn't.
It's fine from my experience as long as I know the girl and have a good relationship with her, then its like friendly competition and has a nice teasing element to it.
Otherwise you're just being an ass: I don't know you, and so if you keep evading my pursuit of knowing you to find out whether you're worth pursuing, I will just tell you to fuck off.
why not make life a bit more fun and stop taking it so seriously
being stuckup just leads to stagnation of charachter
you'll be surprised, user
They only fucking like it if it is chad, but chads not playing hard to get, hes just doing other shit on Friday and waits till Sunday to call you.
Yeah, even the old "wait 3 days to call" meme is a dead letter because with social media they will get contact with 30 other guys in that time, "hehe Im playing hard to get" nope, you just board her.
Grow up.
Women get so much free attention all their lives they start to entertain themselves by coming up with fun ways to reject guys.
>Grow up.
What does that mean? As we grow, we will all have a broad array of different experiences and situations we went through as opposed to somebody younger than us. Our bodies will also deteriorate with time. Both of these things will occur independently of your delusion that growing up is a decision you have the ability of making.
They do and I'm doing it right now
why do you insult men
It means playing hard to get is childish
please define what you mean by childish
I don't play hard to get, I can be got but it has to be by the right girl. Its called having a choice of several women
>Why do men never play hard to get?
meh it can work sometimes but only in specific circumstances with certain girls.
Like for example on here when I talk to a fembot or soc girl on discord I try to act like I'm not interested in getting in there pants at first and tease and joke about them some.
I can sometimes get the girl to enjoy talking with me and she will message me first to talk the next day or so or do something to peruse me.
Issue is that does not work on most girls and you have to be decently charismatic and if in person also decently attractive to pull off and telling by the fact I still use this tibetian cotton farming form its not a guarantee it will work out in the end but I'm talking to some Italian fembot for a month now so there is still some hope.
That and it only works if you met in a place that does not say "hey I'm looking for choochie" so if you're alone in a bar or on a dating app it won't work.
Honestly I probably would have gotten a lot more interest if I just went the normal nigger route and said "damn girl you sound fine as hell. let me get yo snap."