25+ /Oldfriends/

That is what I thought too. Now I am 27.

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Turning 26 in a few months, Is it over lads?

>everyone slowly figured out that I had social deficits from isolation
>don't really remember what having social skills or friends is like anymore, only go outside for work

Very relatable.

i'll probably keep coming here on and off for the next few years at least. that said, i wouldn't be surprised if i was a cyborg again in 5 or so years. normie outside, but robot to myself.

Fair. I only come by a few times a year when things are really fucked.

Turned 25 last month
>pretty much mentally ill
>did group therapy, pissed myself first day there no one noticed
>flirted with all the patients
>eventually got laid
>,put on meds which help me, without them I go mad
>get sex from a 38 year old milf
>dont feel right because she is saying she had sex with 100 men
>leave during the beginning of sex, feel like a laughing stock
>tfw I still have to do a religious course my parents wanted me to do
>friends are awkward towards me because ex said she was on cheated on by me in a blog and implied she was abused
>she cheated on me as well
>the worst thing I do is passively waste my time in limbo going on here or watching self help videos
>never going to have the support of friends or a functioning normie life

>just got married a few days ago
>had to ghost fembot orbiters
Getting old sucks, bro's.

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>tfw this user will never be your bf

the amount of failed normalfags in this thread, dios mio. is there any fucking robots left on this board?

I'm a cyborg user, been here since before r9k even existed, and if you don't recognize that term in this context you have no buisness gatekeeping anyone on this board.
Now do you have anything to contribute to the discussion or do you just come here to Zig Forumse an edgy little contrarian in the only sense of community a lot of us have left?

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