Write what comes to your mind, without any need to filter it. Express it as it comes.
Write what comes to your mind, without any need to filter it. Express it as it comes
I think I'm finally coming to terms with it all and learning to live in the moment. There's so little to fear and nothing to regret so long as you keep focused on the present.
I won't miss my old life.
I am a worthless sinner, unfit to even gaze at God's glory. I wish for my life to be an example of how not to live. May God have mercy on me...
poopy poop pee pee poop poop and pee
I drank whiskey last night and decided I could trust a fart in the morning. I shit my bed this morning. It ran down my leg when I stood up. So happy Monday everyone.
this is the cokpletely unfiltered and unadulterated typung that I'n able to produce without looking at the keybpard. nowm what is it exacrky that I need tob change aboyut myself Idk but what i did recently was sownload seriel experimenrs lain off of the torrent sie ant I;m watching it now, I'm glad I was on 4cahn enough to learn what it is because I enjoy the anime. (I had to look on the keyboard briedly to dinf where the number four was). In any event this is my unadulterated thoughts and Im kust luiiking at the screen with no intentione of editing it. i likre the wokac you used and i would make lots of oc ig I had a wacon cintiq but i am a poorfag that literally works at mcdonalds. got a new phone tpday for cheap because of phone plan and got groceries and I COMPLETELY cleaned my room.
im niggers
the planet should explode
Went to a hystorical library with a cute nerdy girl i met, i am completely ignorant on books but she was so eager to involve me in what she liked. It felt nice. I really enjoy her company.
ok this shits actually starting to make me lol but I will never go grindr and get topped your propaganda will not make me
it's frustating wanting to work towards something when you have lost any sense of where you want to go and what you want to do in life, also holy shit I'm so sick of feeling lonely.
very happy for you user, hope you have more stuff planned with her.
All I'm thinking about is getting my Domino's pizza tomorrow with a liter of coke, and then going to bang a nice escort in the evening.
im afraid its starting to show that i cry, cut, suffocate and beat myself up every night, although i dont leave any bruises etc cause im a weak loser. i only wish i could suffocate finally, beside you
I miss that time when I had friends a lot. I'm so fucking angry that I lost all of them. I don't want to get into the details but it's impossible now. It makes me so fucking angry and lonely. I just wish things were back to how they were all those years ago.
Dude, feeing the exact same. Women will beg for you if you become an alpha, but it takes work
I uh AAAAah sw stop it okay you want the hmmm *monkeys screaming*
This is the kind of noise inside my head. Thats why I dont like wondering in my thoughts too long. Id rather focus on one subject than have my brain go everywhere
Yup! We both like a museum near our town, even though we both went there countless times by our own, we will go visit it together shortly
Yeah i feel that way too, evem if im not "lonley" something about not knowing what to do or where to go just feels bad
I want to kill people. I wish I could kill robots. I want to cut them to pieces, starting from their fingers and toes and working towards their squishy organs. I want to inject them with draino and watch their pained eyes plead for mercy as it never comes. They will succumb to pain and I will be their destroyer. I will send you to Hell.
i hate how people can be so stupid and blind, and because of this i don't talk to anyone. though it leaves me longing for someone that i can talk to who is different, someone who is able to think
I want to punch my stepmom in the face
I am really stupid and all i did was pretend to be smart all my life
it's horrible, no one talks to me about it even when I bring it up, I've had relatives and friends ask me what I want to do in the future and I've outright told them that as soon as I got halfway through college I lost all sense of aspirations and drive, I had such a shit year that it wrecked me. I CAN do stuff, I know I can if I really try hard, but what I can't do is figure out what I want to do.
Negro in Eskimo
Toilet paper shitty shit cock shit
Tired, want to have sex and want to die.
"Autism" is a fake illness. You're like these girls that say they're "depressed" to get attention and pity while there are actual depressed people cutting their wrists, overdosing on meds, and hanging themselves because there's nobody to support them; but instead of attention and pity you do it for validation from strangers from an internet subculture among whom "autism" is considered to be a sign of higher standing, intelligence and belonging. It isn't.
REAL autists are brain-damaged retards that scream if other people touch them and spend every day doing the same pointless stuff they're obsessed about. They're useless people for the most part.
You don't have autism. You have difficulties in trying to integrate into society and you refuse to face them and grow up.
And no, it is not a spectrum. You don't have "a little autism". You are an awkward dude with problems you haven't dealt with yet. Grow up.
my parents fucked any chances of me having a future, i knew exactly what they wanted but they wanted college out of me, now i'm stuck doing math for the 3rd year in a row, i'm clearly not cut out for this shit i'm gonna fail entering college again, i don't even want to study what i picked, it's just the only thing that won't make me snooze
best case scenario i catch covid and die
>REAL autists are brain-damaged retards that scream if other people touch them and spend every day doing the same pointless stuff they're obsessed about.
As if you get to decide what a real autist is pseud
Fuck she's so cute why can't I make good conversation
Merker nag fucking skull items lmao TAN TAN TAN heef heef heeeeeeeeeeeef
The let brain right brain duality is pretty accurate. Women assume the right side (creativity, emotion, time (bigger picture)) since they were at home for many thousands of years looking after the kids. Men assumed the left side (logic, primal, space (smaller picture)). Together, they form a dualistic sexual symbiosis, and for a long time they were like this until modern times rendered it useless. Now the two sexes will be merging into monomorphic equality of both physicality and mentality since, as expected on an evolutionary level, both sexes are demanding equality. Slowly the convergence of physical and mental traits will take place and humans will eventually start to show similar traits.
The duality will no longer be in effect far down the road, and the brain usage pattern will show that the more of both hemispheres of the brain you use, the less intelligent you get.