How can we address sexual degeneracy?

How can we address sexual degeneracy?

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The only thing that pisses me off about that is that you just know it is almost all blowjobs. Middle school boys need to be taught how to eat pussy. Preferably by practicing on a MILF teacher.

People know about eating pussy user. If not, they can be taught during the act. Same with blowjobs lol.

You're advocating for statutory rape.

>children have had more sex than you

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>sexual degeneracy
By "degeneracy", do you just mean things that you are jealous of?

Why would anyone be jealous?

have sexual relations lmao

How does this work?
Who are these sluts having sex with?

Suitable punishments. I think public lashing or caning would be idea but people here think it's barbaric, but they don't think that about premarital sex apparently.

We're not ready for this discussion yet. Aren't you seeing what the fuck is going on right now around you?
Now is too late to be virtue signaling like a conservatard LARPER about degeneracy when most people don't even have the maturity and social awareness to understand sex implies the wellbeing of TWO people. So how the fuck are you supposed to make me believe NOW is the time to adress why people are sexually irresponsible.

only because society tells them they're children so they go to some scam college and become a proper working adult instead of living by their own means like people did for centuries

Alright user. What is so important that made you write a paragraph complaining that there are more important things.

>I think public lashing or caning would be idea but people here think it's barbaric, but they don't think that about premarital sex apparently.
Yea, apparently normal people think public lashing is immoral but having consensual sex isn't. Quite the shocker.

Let me quote Shakespeare, not often I'm given that opportunity, for you:

>Why dost thou lash that whore? Strip thine own back.
>Thou hotly lust'st to use her in that kind
>For which thou whipp'st her. The usurer hangs the cozener.

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only two thirds?

They got it the other way around. Just because something is pleasurable doesn't mean it shouldn't be punished.

I think lashing is perfectly reasonable, especially after the first few examples people will be afraid. Men too should be beaten publicly for it.

This should be an obvious conclusion but society has degraded so far that people are afraid of a little blood or killing an animal but have no problem with abortion or premarital sex which is much worse but doesn't look as bad.

The fact that tons of eye opening shit has been going on in the world the ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR and people are still sleeping sound like fucking dumbasses trying to push the same normalfaggotry about doing everything you can to take as much as possible for yourself while trying to impede on others. It's become obvious how little the system care about people and people don't care about eachother. The fact that despite copious ammount of call outs and tragedies showing how hedonistic and self-serving people are about handling sexuality, people still only think about their weewee and vagen even if it hurts other people. The fact that despite ALL of that, people STILL think it's a good idea to police people on their sexual behavior when we do NOTHING to educate people on how to be sexually responsible and respectful.
The church has failed us in that regard times and times again because their solution was just to put everyone's genitals in nice little cages where frustration can buildup.
And here you all are, frustratingly trying to find ways to control other people's sexuality through repetitive discussions about archaic shit.
This whole fucking world deserves to burn. Mankind's hubris knows no end.

>give every child a phone with immediate access to all kinds of porn
>its reported that children regularly view porn even before puberty now
>wonder why the youth is so slutty

>all kinds of people should fuck each other
>no matter age, gender, or race

If anything, it should be even higher. Why aren't kids, with their hormone driven irrational brains, having more sex with each other?

>two thirds of americans aged 15 to 24 have engaged in oral sex
That's still quite a broad group, I'd be interested to see that broken up into 15-18, 19-21, 22-24 or something. I performed oral sex for the first time (and also lost my virginity) at 24 for instance, just on the end of that big margin. Meanwhile, most people I know did it all by 18

Rape the other 1/3

Porn literally ruins lives


who is "we"? youre just some retard on Zig Forums you are completely irrelevant. sorry you didnt get your dick sucked as a teenager loser lmao

If that's what you got out of my rant you're a fucking terrible idiot and part of what makes this world such a fucking shitty thing to look at.
It's ok though, I'm also to blame so stfu and burn along with me.

Become degenerate, accelerate the decay so from this new collapse a new beginning is set

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I'm 21 years old and have had sex with 57 hookers in the last two years. With these 57 hookers I have had sex 137 times in total. Has this made up for my lost youth? I still feel like something is missing. Is the amount of sex normal or too little for my age?

No I mean children and young adults degrading themselves by putting genitals into each other's mouths. I advocate against things because I've experienced them personally.

literally this. i ate my wifes pussy so good last night she was quaking with pleasure for almost a minute. fucked her missionary on this new sex pillow i got her that keeps her hips higher up, which is helpful when youre over 6 ft tall, and she just about fell off the bed when she came again. i busted on her tits but to be honest, i came a bit before pulling out. worst case scenario i have a loving family lmao imagine being so jealous you think this isn't true

I can't, I wouldn't be able to live with myself having sex with anyone I'm not marrying.

Remember, the U.S was doing great while it was still Christian.

>a guy sucked me off in gym and i don't know how to feel about it so now no one should have oral sex
lmao have sexual relations

>christianity has objective authority over moral values bro
>morality never existed before christianity duuuuude

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Which means data collected predates 2012 ie. old news. The sexual market is a very different landscape in 2020.

>sorry you didnt get your dick sucked as a teenager loser lmao
Imagine being so vain that you think calling someone a virgin is an insult

Oh sure if your idea of doing great is destroying already established cultures to strip them of their ressources and living space even if they initially never declared any form of conflict against you and even going as far as using lies and trickery to backstab them and murder them when they were under the pretense of being allies. Sure, they did faaaaan fucking tastic.
It's funny though, because everything about this success actually went against Jesus' message and Christianity itself. Almost as if it was a trick of the Devil or some shit.
Nah man I don't think the States have ever been successful because their Nation has always been a collective of vile opportunists who always moved forward under the principle of might makes right. It may make nice Empires, but it maked absolutely shitty men.
From one Christian to another, you should seriously reflect on Jesus' message.