How can we address sexual degeneracy?

>christianity has objective authority over moral values bro
>morality never existed before christianity duuuuude

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Which means data collected predates 2012 ie. old news. The sexual market is a very different landscape in 2020.

>sorry you didnt get your dick sucked as a teenager loser lmao
Imagine being so vain that you think calling someone a virgin is an insult

Oh sure if your idea of doing great is destroying already established cultures to strip them of their ressources and living space even if they initially never declared any form of conflict against you and even going as far as using lies and trickery to backstab them and murder them when they were under the pretense of being allies. Sure, they did faaaaan fucking tastic.
It's funny though, because everything about this success actually went against Jesus' message and Christianity itself. Almost as if it was a trick of the Devil or some shit.
Nah man I don't think the States have ever been successful because their Nation has always been a collective of vile opportunists who always moved forward under the principle of might makes right. It may make nice Empires, but it maked absolutely shitty men.
From one Christian to another, you should seriously reflect on Jesus' message.