"Heh, religion is for weak minded people and slaves."

Why do fedoras always come back to the book and Abraham stuff? Do they really think that because the Abrahamic interpretation is wrong, that that means God necessarily doesn't exist?

Literally everyone sits in front of a screen nowadays, retard. You're posting this on Zig Forums.

Oh man, god sure exists when you refuse to define hom when pressed and the write your own interpretation in private you moron. "what could have made the worpd bro?" like anything. literally anything, probably just more world but farther back. you people

Seek out the Atheist God (tm) within you and make peace with him or i am going to have to send Moloch after you

>believed in god
You mean
>said to believe in god in front of the masses because you cant teach ethics to mongrels in any other way

can you provide any reasonable case for god that doesn't rely on bullshit

Lmfao. I am strong, can bench 245 and do 20 pullups. Dont watch porn or Tv. Have read the bible. Was raised with the quran. Have read opposite sides of filosophy. Have read about Ahura Mazda and Ba'al, the origins dualism and monotheistic gods. Have concluded on my own that they are retarded fairy tales by the age of 12. Have a tested 132 Iq and above average Eq.

Relifags are subhuman slaves. I spit on them, including my own family.

atheists if they don't grow out of the phase by 25 should be forced to smoke dmt until they breakthrough

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maybe if you need to take powerful hallucinogens to see your "truth" instead of looking at the world logically, it isn't true. just a thought