Would a small shitty tattoo, on somewhere visible naked but not in specific clothing eg on the front of the body...

if it's not trashy or holds some actual meaning and is tasteful idc
idk why some people hate any tattoo regardless of quality but are fine with large (non self harm) scars, enough scars and they have the same effect as tattoos. you date someone who was in the military or worked with animals, or even worked on a farm and they're covered in that shit

What if?
I too was seriously young once, I was rarely in a sober state of mind, and did some extremely stupid things.
It's not an excuse.

You've marked yourself for life as a certain kind of person. Who you were then lives on within you; you're the same fundamental person.

now THAT would be a dealbreaker, I wouldn't wanna be with someone that was this broken in their teens.

Non-self harm scars aren't a choice.
It's not about the blemish of a tattoo, ugly as it is, it's about how it reflects on the person.

and this is coming from someone quite broken himself but not stupid enough to fall for drugs and do things I'd regret. instead of looking for other persons to fill the void I isolated myself. I don't really respect those that fix their problems with harmful distractions

i just realized i wouldnt want to ever date someone this uptight anyway, i wouldnt trust them to know about my past or life and wouldnt trust them to be majorly unjudgemental, if you could hate me for something from my past youd find enough problems with who i'll always be anyway

If it's not a shitty ass tattoo or has some meaning then it doesn't reflect badly on them

it is a shitty ass tattoo i let a good friend practice on me for whatever reason and i had been blackout for around 2-3 months at the time

being unjudgemental is equal to being a weak man you either date weak men exclusively or you accept that those who know what they want would judge you for that tattoo

what do you mean weak men? i like 'weak men', i prefer individuals with some sort of damage themselves