>3 times a week
>3 times a week
>i'm such a special student bro trust me, nothing normal about me!
>i'm such a special student bro trust me, nothing normal about me!
You think I fucking like college?
You think I just skip around with people and do normalfag things all day instead of slaving over assignments and paying to do them.
Being a grade slave is worse than a wagies, at least wagies get paid for their work.
I'm doing this shit to get a better job so I don't have to work for peanuts or break my back doing construction or some shit for the rest of my life.
Some don't have the luxury of being neet, you know.
>3 times a week isn't frequent enough to stay in shape and not be a fat fuck
Yeah muscles don't need to rest and rebuild anyway, right?
Besides, it's not like I have other shit to do.
Imagine being so envious that you had to start a cope thread on Zig Forums. You would have been better off telling the big mean happy guy that he hurt your little feelings.
>Imagine being so envious that you had to start a cope thread on Zig Forums.
Why would I be envious of someone who is clearly insecure and so unhappy that he tells me how popular and good-looking and successful he is?
I'm not happy myself, but I don't go compensating for it and showing off.
>You would have been better off telling the big mean happy guy that he hurt your little feelings.
Hurt my feelings by flashing his insecurities at me, thinking I would praise him instead of understanding the guy is insecure and bragging to get his ego up?
I asked him how things were going for him, and he proceeds to tell me all about his tinder dates, his exercise schedule, etc... and nothing else. Not his grades, not his family, not any hobbies he tried out, where he has traveled to, none of that.
I mean, cmon, if that doesn't make it apparent that he has nothing else to show, or care about, then that's sad.
>used to go to college with a guy who bragged about making fuck all at mcdonalds
>don't think much of it because it was his first job he was probably just proud to be making money
>bumped into jim on the streets 3 years later a couple months ago
>he IMMEDIATELY starts bragging about how much he makes
With some people it's like clockwork
Poor guy probably doesn't have anything else he thinks that's meaningful enough to share.
No one should focus exclusively on making money.
Did he get a new job after the mcdonalds one?
Okay this is completely unrelated but your movie taste is kino user
why are all of the cohen brothers movies so lifeless and unfun, i get that they are slice of life movies and they are supposed to seem realistic but its to a point where they just come of as having no style or substance. the only fun thing about fargo is steve b but hes great in everything the rest is just kind of dull
>but its to a point where they just come of as having no style or substance.
Kinda like real life tbqh.
I get what you're saying but I guess that's kind of the aesthetic they went for anyway.