/skelly/ - Skelly General

>tfw lost 15 lbs first semester of college
>regularly skipped meals due to stress and too much work
>couldn't work out cause gym was closed
>no clubs
>no social life
>i'm 125 lbs and 5'10" now
college was rough fellas....

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193cm 75 kg here. heaviest ive been in years and im hoping to keep gaining more

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What are you aiming for? 200 lbs? Thats probably an ideal weight for your height

nah honeslty maybe 180 if that. lean and muscled. i like being thin desu

I'm 6'0 ft, 115 lbs very skelly

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I'm 5"9 and 123lbs. I'm a fat fuck. you're not skelly lmao

He is, you're just especially anorexic

I used to be skelly, but drinking made me develop a gross, fatty stomach. I wanna go back to being super skinny.
Is starving yourself (and also not drinking) a legitimate way of achieving this?

i don't believe you, bro. i'm 5'8 120lb. post your skelly belly

sorry for the pic, Im pretty self councious about my body and thats like the only thing I have. You can often see my ribcage.

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You look like a girl. Eat more and lift weights NOW.

I like being skinny and I do eat more then my family does, I just have a crazy metabolism. I don't have a pic of my hand, but basiically you can see the bones, veins and nerves through the skin. Atleast thats what I think it is.

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thought u were a girl for a sec

caught you slackin' bro, your gay now

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>Lift weights
>eat untill i feel like puking
>fast forward many months
>gain 20kg
>become depressed
>start drinking
>lose 6kg in a month

I hate fat people. Fucking annoying to eat all the time. When they fucking moan and orgasm when eating. Pretty sure they are more primitive

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I was 6'1" and 113 a few months ago. Now I'm 120. In gonna make it bros

Okay, what did you eat today?

Nop. I've got a good set of lovehandles, a fat tummy and manboobs. I like them tho.

nigger please. you're just a joeysworldtour fan in denial

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a slice of frozen pizza, 2 doughnouts, a bowl of chips and 4 cookies

I drank water mostly during the day.

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Was 52 kilo before. If i could i would not eat at all or swallow a pill. Feels more like a chore to eat then enjoy it

>go on adderall
>lose 35 pounds in 3 months
>from 175 to 140
>still losing weight
>try to eat
>want to throw up
>food disgusts me now

Its over, fellas.

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>I just have a crazy metabolism

You don't have fast metabolism. You just eat less then a woman/kid and you enjoy being a weak cumdump

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thats fucking nothing you stupid cunt

Based, you have around 40-50 lbs to go to be an acceptable weight for your height though, I believe in you

Shame, could have otherwise been a good twink or trap

>around 5'11
>95 lbs
>never been above 100
nobody else here is eldritch horror tier?

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post your skelly belly too

I'm 5'11 and fluctuate between 127-136lbs. It's getting to where 130lbs is my normal weight. I eat like crazy
Breakfast- 2 bread with sunbutter and jelly, cheese on them, cup of cottege cheese, milk.
Lunch- 3 eggs, hand full of ham, hand full of salami, some cheese, bread with sun butter and jelly or other type of grain, banana, cottege cheese. Water

Dinner- useally something like steak, rice, mixed vegetables, water.
I drink water throughout the day and eat a bowl of cereal before going to bed. I've also started working out, hoping to get a gym membership once they stop closing and reopening. You just gotta eat bros! Take a plate. Look at it. Put food on it. If it is not full then it is not a meal! Have a minimum of 3 meals a day! An easy one is a pot of instant ramen and 3 eggs. Just cook ramen normally and once it starts to really boil break the eggs then drop them in there!

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You don't wanna starve yourself necessarily cause you can develop eating and digestive disorders but if you cut the size of your meal portions down as well as watch what you eat, drink lots of water I'm talking a gallon a day I used to take a gallon with me to school sophomore year when I was tryna lose weight and get pussy lmao, stop drinking soda and you can lose weight quite steadily. It won't be very quick it might take close to 8 months but if you exercise just a little bit you can speed up the process. I lost like 25 pounds in between my sophomore and junior year of high school and when I showed up to school junior year I wasn't that chubby kid anymore I finally had a jawline and looked good and I killed my goal and fucked 3 different girls that year I was so proud of myslef lmaooo

Lmao bro what kinda pose is that I'm getting such girly vibes from that stance

I haven't weighed myself in ages but everyone says I'm too skinny. The other day I saw a teacher from elementary and the first thing he said was that I'm skinny

How to fix your weight problem:
From now on you only eat 4 tubes a day. The plate goes down and you get 30 minutes to eat then the plate goes away and you wait until it's time for your next meal before eating again
You get breakfast lunch dinner and you're allowed to eat before bed
If you drink caffeine then learn to never drink the caffeine before eating, always after. Caffeine suppresses appetite
Try to eat balanced meals and look good y foods with high calorie density. Small food with lots of calories instead of big foods with few calories. Nuts are good good for this
Drink milk (if you're lactose intolerant you can try onions)

Exercise in any way at least 30 min per day. You need to to gain appetite