How can one possibly ignore constant new evidence that they're utterly worthless?

How can one possibly ignore constant new evidence that they're utterly worthless?

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How do you ignore that hard fact about yourself, Ceb? Just smoke weed to hide the pain? Is that it?

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>an actual answer
Wow. Much appreciated. I coped around it my whole life by avoiding doing anything. If you don't do stuff, there can't be proof that you suck at everything. Of course, it catches up eventually. Now I'm 23 with no degree, driver's license, no life, and no outside contact with anyone. Accepting being worthless would make life so much easier. Are you going to get a job after rona? Or maybe get on those neetbux?
>you still reek like bpd damn
Sure. Whatever. Still haven't found anyone who won't make me feel life offing myself.

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Accepting it and just rotting away sounds so comfy right now. Years ago I believed it'd just naturally sort itself out and I'd be like all the normalfags around me, but it only gets worse over time. Give up on ever doing anything with your life. Unfortunately, this life is too comfortable, so I'm not quite where I could contemplate suicide again.
That sucks. Are your parents not getting pushy over it? Yours are nice. I have to lie to mine to keep living like this. Then again, I've got no excuses written on paper.

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they don't
because they can't even comprehend what being worthless entail
as a result they start making us delusional/crazy/edgy

Then you're not truly accepting it. Though I don't think it's actually possible to accept it. I've seen people call themselves accepting, apathetic, numb, not caring about anything etc. and it never once was actually true. More like a cope with the constant failure to change. Everyone's hopeful to some extent. That things will just turn around. Something will click in their heads.
>contemplating suicide is not the issue, following through it without fear, guilt or whatever chaining you to limbo state
Yeah, the constant is easy to get comfortable with. There's not enough pain for long enough to be too much. I've become so proficient in coping around that, it might just be the thing saving my life. One thing I'll never understand though is guilt over it. I can't comprehend anyone being bothered by my death.
>ooof , why else would I consider a part time job or any
I see. Somehow failed to make that connection when we last spoke. I just thought your parents didn't give a shit at all. I hope you manage something. Get neetbux.
I'm not sure I understand this post at all. So how can they be unable to ignore it if they don't even understand what it entails?

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Fuck you originoli 5

>How can one possibly ignore constant new evidence that they're utterly worthless?
Ask magapedes, their post-election strategy seems perfect

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>tfw will live like this long enough to experience the consequences of my complacency
>tfw will live like this for too long for the effort to do something about it to be worth it

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>found dads beer stack

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Self-criticism is healthy and productive. Good comes from it so long as you apply it. Self-loathing is unproductive and destructive. Nothing good comes of it, and it is applied as soon as you think it. Do not confuse one for the other.

But the more you take, the faster will you need to pay for it yourself.
There's no point in trying now. Every time I'd speak to another person, my self-esteem would go down. It's nearly zero now.

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alcohol is shit I wouldnt pay for it

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Won't your dad get mad at you for taking his beer?

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only if I finish all 24 bottles on my own again
and atm 1 made me drunk already

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Do you honestly believe there is no point in trying? Is that a logical conclusion, or just the productive or negative thinking? Think about it. You are only 23, purportedly, so you have a full life ahead of you still if you ever find the will to change.

Why does your self-esteem go down when you talk to others? What, specifically, is the internal mechanism which causes that feeling?

I'm jelly now. I wish I could start drinking, but that'd be highly unusual of me and I can't have any changes to my routines to keep up my larp.
Damn, jannies got a hold of you.
I don't know, man. I'm too stupid to figure this out at this point. I just want to rot. Ceb is my new role model on how life should be enjoyed. About time I stopped pretending I'm good for anything or anyone. But to answer your question, some recent interactions have left me feeling very hurt and reaffirming that even if I try my best, I can't do anything right for anyone.

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please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end meplease end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me please end me

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Just ignore that by being a drunk as much as you can. That's the easy way.

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>Just ignore that by being a drunk as much as you can. That's the easy way.
if I drin moar now I would just start crying again

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That's because you're not used to it. Weed smoker. How can you be drunk with a single beer.

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Based. But only if you end me in exchange. Fuck all you cunts are drinking and smoking and popping pills. I'm basically coping on hard mode.

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>tfw also diagnosed with alcohol abuse
alcohol IS shit>How can you be drunk with a single beer.
Yes. I chugged beer 2 and now I am about to chug beer 3
actually I finished 3 now, i gotta stop before I start breaking things and shit
you never got hurt like me so you dont need any drugs (^:

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You are not too stupid to figure it out. You are intelligent and self aware enough. You just willingly choose to suffer because it is easier. You appear, to me, like someone who got a splinter in their toe. The splinter has lodged itself in and would need to be removed. Instead of removing it, you have decided to leave it in because you do not want to undergo the intense pain of removing it. Instead, you accept the constant, low level pain and convince yourself that you can live with it, and that you are fine. Meanwhile you limp and can hardly walk, and you leave the splinter in for years instead of removing it. You could painfully remove the splinter and it would be over. But no. You avoid intense short term pain, and the price you pay is an unending suffering.

>about time I stopped pretending I was good enough for anything or anyone
You were and will always be good enough for me. Ignore all my meltdowns over my own unrealistic expectations I placed on you. That was my error, not yours. I just wanted the best for you and got carried away. :c

>reaffirms belief that I can never do anything right for anyone
How about doing things right for yourself? What other people think of you should not matter. You cannot control what other people think of you, no matter how good you are. In fact, the better you are, the more people there will be who think poorly of you. But their thoughts are outside your control, and you are at their mercy if you value them over your own. They can change in an instant. Your own thoughts about yourself are more stable and reliable, and you are not at the mercy of anyone when it comes to your self worth.

Can you see the relationship between your negative thought patterns and how those very things cause your suffering?

Stop crying. You're not suffering nearly as much as you should be.
This level of analysis belongs on Discord. My threads are for fun.

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>Stop crying. You're not suffering nearly as much as you should be.
I suffer more than you could comprehend

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>this is your brain on apostasy
It's not too late to stop being a filthy murtadd.

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Thay's why you don't get drunk with beer, usse actual liquor.
Beer is shit to get drunk to.

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go fuck yourself and die in a fire with your religous bullshit
its all the same shit to me

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reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebnm jhgjunbhguzjknhzgubjmhuzgjnbmk huzgjbmnkhuzgjbmzghgvztbnjthzftgbvjghgbjuzmnhjzbukmngjhuzkbmgn,juhkni,bjhkunm,buhjzkniuhjzgnkibuhzgjbkhgbzjumhzgubjnhzgubjnuhzikjnjhnkum,kjuhinlm,jnuhki,mjuhkni,jhnbukm,hjukbznm,hjzugbmghzftvbjhgbjzmjhnk,jnhkbu,mjnhku,mjnkhm,jnkhm,njhk,mjnkh,mnjhk,mnjkhm,njhkm,njhbkm,bnjhnbjhmnbjhmbnhjmvhgbnvhgbznjcvfgbcfvdgbfgcvdthfgtvhzhgbzjnjhjnkm,hnjkhjnbukmhjnbukmhbjnukmjhkbunm,njhbmk,hbjunkmhbjunkhjnbukm,bhgbjuzmnkjnzghzubjnjughzbujnhzghzubjnbzghuzjnbhzbhguzjikjhujikn

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maybe start doing things that show you you have worth
get a better paying job, new friends, get laid etc

It ain't, believe me.

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Well add me on discord, then. Or email me. Or not, I guess. Up to you, after all.

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>tfw no soothing flame to burn off your nerve endings and lead to a painless death
What's with this normie bullshit?? I'm lightyears away from any of those. It's over. I haven't spoken to anyone outside my immediate family apart from a cashier in 3 years at least. And before that only spoke to people because I was forced to attend uni.

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>tfw you wont just die in your sleep

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