Cockmeasuring Contest Edition

enjoyment and taste is objective, fuck you

How do you guys have the money to spare for each other?

Merry Christmas frens.
Anyone else getting a real tree for the first time?


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For me I don't have many preconceived parameters about what makes a unique list, it's just anything that seems cool and something that the receiving user will use and enjoy after buying, as well as being something unique to their list. Tbh I didn't get much time to look through the last thread but rn I think I have a few lists that my sights are set on.

I'm back again. Participate at your own risk.

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It's both a hobby and I do actually cook. I can't work in a resturant (although I've had 3 chefs practically beg me to start my own resturant after trying some of my food), but I will cater a friend's party or even for money, because I can focus just long enough for that and I'm not under constant time pressure. Thank you for asking!

Fuck did I mix up the two lol?

>I'm so scared
>Oh wait no I'm not
What are you gonna do, pussy? Nothing. You aint' gon do dick faggot except suck mine.

based. i missed you daddy
may your autism bless my earnings this year

How many threads will it take to figure out that item is out of stock?

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