well obviously i didnt actually watch the video
they're redditors
Want friends? Why not go to a leddit meetup? Who knows, you might even meet your future wife!
i just skipped to random parts. But the opening with the girl playing the ukulele while every guy just stands there awkwardly not knowing what to do with their hands pretty much sums up the video.
/robots/ look at that picture and notice one simple fact:
Even motherfucking Tranny DeVito went for a >6 foot tall guy.
Who despite not being exactly a looker still looks better than dwarf Tranny DeVito on the left.
Women always date up.
Oh...and Tranny DeVito seems to not be able to have babies without medical intervention. What a surprise.
..comon..you already know why
why doesn't Zig Forums do meetups anymore?
That's dany devito with tits
Because everyone here is racist and paranoid it'll be a neonazi sting or some shit.
Thank you, now I feel better over being alone
Tall or not that dude is a solid 2/10 in attractiveness dont kid yourself
>Because everyone here is racist and paranoid it'll be a neonazi sting or some shit.
so? why don't we do one?