Want friends? Why not go to a leddit meetup? Who knows, you might even meet your future wife!

Want friends? Why not go to a leddit meetup? Who knows, you might even meet your future wife!

Attached: 1601185786459.png (791x728, 524.82K)

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did he just marry trans danny devito?

i want to go back :(
and im not making original posts on r/r9k/

>trans danny devito?
tranny devito

come on user
im worried someone else will post it while i wait 30 seconds to be able to post

sorry user, I was way too much of an autist to think under pressure, i wanted to get a reply out asap

The asian guy trying to get in with the girls is sad and cringe. Poor little fella...

Surprised they're still doing meetups after this one

Attached: ypw4x589ruu21[1].jpg (1024x768, 128.7K)

you say that, but as a boomer, i wish i tried to get in with the girls just a bit

Why is the hamplanet holding a niglet?

>Camera Girl: Everyone here is adorable!
>Asian Guy: *touches his chest* Awwww...


well obviously i didnt actually watch the video
they're redditors

i just skipped to random parts. But the opening with the girl playing the ukulele while every guy just stands there awkwardly not knowing what to do with their hands pretty much sums up the video.

/robots/ look at that picture and notice one simple fact:
Even motherfucking Tranny DeVito went for a >6 foot tall guy.
Who despite not being exactly a looker still looks better than dwarf Tranny DeVito on the left.
Women always date up.
Oh...and Tranny DeVito seems to not be able to have babies without medical intervention. What a surprise.

..comon..you already know why

why doesn't Zig Forums do meetups anymore?

That's dany devito with tits

Because everyone here is racist and paranoid it'll be a neonazi sting or some shit.

Thank you, now I feel better over being alone

Tall or not that dude is a solid 2/10 in attractiveness dont kid yourself

>Because everyone here is racist and paranoid it'll be a neonazi sting or some shit.
so? why don't we do one?

Zig Forums cant accept that most of them are brown

I honestly think there's been so many cringe meetup photos that nobody wants to be part of one anymore.

As I said, the guy isn't a looker.
But at least he doesn't look like a transexual dwarf.
2/10 vs 1/10, higher up is higher up.

my sides are ascending

which Always Sunny episode is this

The Zig Forums meetups make the reddit ones look normal lol


just don't let someone take pictures of you if you don't want in it.
doesn't anyone besides me want a meetup?

lol. Literally multiple people in the OP video say they don't want to be on camera and they're being filmed anyway.

>Tranny Devito
My sides

Honestly im happy for them. these people are not emotionally stunted, they know where they stand. They found their looksmatch and settled.

well just knock the fuck out of the faggot filming with out consent
smash his camera etc

this vid is actually very wholesome. just a bunch of socially inept retards awkwardly mingling. kind of like r9k

what fucking board are these retards from

to be fair 2008 Zig Forums was today's reddit