People that have girlfriends are very lucky. I would be so happy if I had one

If thats (truly) your definition of happiness, than seeking sex to gain it is in fact perfectly logial.

However I personally doubt that fucking hoes (or your gf) is the ture nature of happiness.

But each to their own...

Sure, but relationships, like friendships and family are emotional support systems that are fundamental to our humanity. It helps us to resolve our own problems by giving us a foundation from which to build a future upon.

>date girl for a few years
>everything seems to be fine
>meets a better guy
>instantly drops me
How can I be certain this won't happen again? There are always going to be better men than me.

> So you're saying I have to get a gf to get a gf
can you not fucking read man? Where I said that? Only thing I said is crying about not having a gf surely wont get you one

My bad for assuming you were saying anything at all, I should have figured that's above you

You can't. Most relationships fail/fall apart, even with heavy incentives to remain together. The honeymoon phase doesn't last. You can't really expect a person to not take the path of least resistance.

>I have to get a gf to get a gf
actually more true than you may think

>I doubt human love and intimacy is at the core of human happiness.
I don't know, man. I think we're definitely wired for this to be a big deal.

very much agreed. i just feel like those so far gone they cant manage to maintain a proper relationship and have delusions of gfs being belongings or are too into what theyve learned on the internet would have a hard time adjusting to it all is all

As in girls are more interested in taken guys?