People that have girlfriends are very lucky. I would be so happy if I had one

People that have girlfriends are very lucky. I would be so happy if I had one.

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They are not lucky, they earned it, you think girlfriends spawn in your room without any effort? Talk to girls my dude, its not that difficult

>you earn opportunities to find a girlfriend
Not really, also talking to girls often leads to being friendzoned. Your argument is invalid.

I'm 30. I've never been jealous of people who were married until my gf dumped me in September this year.

depending whether you're autistic af or not

>They are not lucky, they earned it
I mean a little column A, a little column B. You do have to put yourself out there, but some of it is indeed luck. You have to catch people at the right time.

>t. an autistic guy who's always been better at talking to women than men. 0 guy friends, but have been single for an aggregate like 5 months over the last 20 years.

it won't fix whats wrong with you.

stop seeing the world in binary.

And what does not talking to girls accomplish?

Some of us just can't make it bro!
I agree bro! There's something wrong with you if you can't get a girlfriend!

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Actually getting stuff done. Spending time socializing with women doesn't lead to anything. Also you maintain your dignity by not being in the friendzone.

No you wouldnt. You would still be the miserable person you are today, but you would just have a girlfriend. Relationships dont magically fix what is broken deep inside of you, if anything it might just make the problems worse.

the sadness gets replaced with annoyance and rage

>normalfag gaslighting
You see it in every thread at this point. You've just been too desensitized from getting what you want all the time that you don't see any pleasure in it.

The option you have is togo on Grindr and get TOPPED OP, the best you can hope for is to be someone's boiwife

And yet two of the incel losers I've seen get gfs had their lives take complete turnarounds.

Yes, getting affection for once in your life will have a positive impact.

>Alone: depression, existential panic
>New gf: honeymoon phase, happiness, sex
>Stable gf: annoyance, repetition, bullshit,
>Alone: reset

The only way to break the cycle is to get married, pretty much giving up any free time and any personal quirks or hobbies you have. That, or - simply not get a gf.

its not that it WILL but that it CAN. a lot of the,, especially younger, posters here long for affection and companionship and validation through a girl.

only if she is beautiful 10/10 khv

Oh wow they totally earned being over 6 feet tall, handsome, and white

So, in other words, people SHOULD want this since it CAN potentially resolve problems.

user if your are unhappy by yourself, you will still be unhappy with a gf. Not a single person on this earth (nor materialistic stuff) can make you happy if you are not happy by yourself.

Happieness is develeoped internally, not found externally.

Cheer user

I'm super happy with myself as a person and just wish I had a gf, what now fuckboy

> posts bloomer advice
Thanks user

yea but they should also be realistic and realize that not everything bad in their life will change just because they manage to get a gf. ofc the process of chaniging your life and self to get a gf may help as well though

Well i have one..
It was great at the beginning but like everything in life.. after a while i got used to it..

Trust me i know what loneliness is, i spent years upon years of loneliness..

But having a gf is not that fun.. trust me.

Define what happiness is first. To me it's satisfying carnal pleasure. I'm not experiencing sex and intimacy therefore I am unhappy. How is this not reasonable?

than what are you crying about and posting hang pic fag? Negativity does attract any woman

I've been talking to girls for years. Nothing's manifested. Some people just lack the innate charisma and emotional support systems necessary to get good. Doesn't mean I won't keep trying to improve my situation, but I think you should consider that people aren't born equal, raised in equivalent environments, or afforded equal opportunities and resources.

So you're saying I have to get a gf to get a gf. Dood you really need to fuck off with spreading bullshit.

If thats (truly) your definition of happiness, than seeking sex to gain it is in fact perfectly logial.

However I personally doubt that fucking hoes (or your gf) is the ture nature of happiness.

But each to their own...

Sure, but relationships, like friendships and family are emotional support systems that are fundamental to our humanity. It helps us to resolve our own problems by giving us a foundation from which to build a future upon.

>date girl for a few years
>everything seems to be fine
>meets a better guy
>instantly drops me
How can I be certain this won't happen again? There are always going to be better men than me.

> So you're saying I have to get a gf to get a gf
can you not fucking read man? Where I said that? Only thing I said is crying about not having a gf surely wont get you one

My bad for assuming you were saying anything at all, I should have figured that's above you

You can't. Most relationships fail/fall apart, even with heavy incentives to remain together. The honeymoon phase doesn't last. You can't really expect a person to not take the path of least resistance.

>I have to get a gf to get a gf
actually more true than you may think

>I doubt human love and intimacy is at the core of human happiness.
I don't know, man. I think we're definitely wired for this to be a big deal.

very much agreed. i just feel like those so far gone they cant manage to maintain a proper relationship and have delusions of gfs being belongings or are too into what theyve learned on the internet would have a hard time adjusting to it all is all

As in girls are more interested in taken guys?

i hate this argument so much, even if it wasn't totally retarded, who the fuck are you to tell these people getting a gf don't mean shit? Remove yourself from this site immediatly.

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