Your jealousy/rage/fear at passable trans women and young transitioners stems from your fundamental belief that trans people's worth comes from their appearance.
You perpetuate this culture when you mock 'hons' and play 'spot the flaws'.
YOU are in a prison of your own creation.
Trans women, all women for that matter, ought to be judged for their actions. Not passing, not being 99th percentile attractive doesn't impede your ability to be a kind, compassionate, productive member of society.
TL;DR stop freaking out and learn to get your self worth from somewhere other than your appearance.
Show us her penis that's all we robots care about or post her boipucci
Blake Cox
I praise passing transwomen, even respecting their pronouns, and continue to viscously mock hons. I will continue to do this, good day to you and this is shitty bait btw.
literally nobody gives a fuck you disgusting troon, if you want to walk around with mutilated genitals, undiagnosed mental illness and fake tits then so be it. Please find the nearest assisted suicide state and have them euthanize you. You do not deserve to exist
Jaxson Gray
cope harder transphobe incels
Grayson Martinez
Sorry but only cute and fuckable trans girls matter. If you look like a guy then you're simply a guy.
Jackson Gutierrez
>Imagine being told you don't accept your feelings by a person larping as someone who is unable to accept their biological sex. Trannies are sickening and a transgression against human nature. This is the kinda psyops that fucks some of you up. user, you are fucking perfect they way you are, don't let these shitty threads get in your mind. You are better then this.
it has nothing to do with passing or not, it's about mentally ill people acting on their illness and being enabled by shitty therapists and sick surgeons. Which harms them and their community
He does not pass. That was more disgusting then usually to be honest
Nolan Cook
the fuck, what drugs cause this? I swear they tell us roids are bad but if you are trans jews will suddenly invent cure for male pattern baldness, penis enlargement pills and pump you with female hormones and everyone will clap and applaud
Noah Reed
>the years is 2012 >the end of the Mayan calendar has coincided with the invention of a successful new form of hrt >but an unfortunate side effect causes massive penile growth along with enfeminisation >a legion of hyper endowed futa rapists spread across the earth, only those desperate enough to take the drug themselves survive
Jeremiah Sullivan
I unironically never understood why people dislike trans people so much, your body your choice, do what you want as long as you're not hurting anyone else. I do absolutely hate when people start propping their kids full of hormones because their fucking 8 year old said they wanted to be a girl, kids are always saying stuff like that and this should be classified as severe child abuse. However, this type of child abuse isn't caused by trans people, it's caused by horrible parents who shouldn't have had kids in the first place.
Ethan Ramirez
I am okay with trannies if: They don't try to rexruit more trannies as ot's clearly unnatural and a mental sickness
They don't base their entire identity about being trans(pronouns, being OFFENDED) and so on.
Logan Morris
Can someone tell me the name of this person
Ryder Robinson
This isn't /pol buddy, we all like femboys and cute trans girls here
Ryan Fisher
No, man, you misunderstand. I LOVE passable trannies, I want to smash their delicious bussies, fill their guts with my goop and jerk their little useless dicks off. I love trannies, it's just I have yet to find a cute one irl, let alone one that'll let me fuck her, and it's frustrating as hell.
Michael Lopez
So basically you're not okay with trannies
Ryan Barnes
I honestly respect every trans since they had to come out to their family as "freaks of nature" but I also value passing trans women more since it is actually a huge achievement for them and I'm in no illusion about it. And yes I do like em more when they keep their cute or huge penis.
Being okay as in not killing them all. I don't mind them cutting their dicks off and having sex with whatever but i don't want to see it, hear about it, or see the persuading other poor deppressed robots into it. Every singke thread on this board has: user why don't you become a girl you will feel bettter. user go on grinder. user transition, join is.