Your jealousy/rage/fear at passable trans women and young transitioners stems from your fundamental belief that trans...

I honestly respect every trans since they had to come out to their family as "freaks of nature" but I also value passing trans women more since it is actually a huge achievement for them and I'm in no illusion about it. And yes I do like em more when they keep their cute or huge penis.

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Being okay as in not killing them all. I don't mind them cutting their dicks off and having sex with whatever but i don't want to see it, hear about it, or see the persuading other poor deppressed robots into it. Every singke thread on this board has: user why don't you become a girl you will feel bettter. user go on grinder. user transition, join is.


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original and the best

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Post more or at least link to a repository.

Wait, isn't she in that one discord server?

I only have like 5 pics. I gave you a name.

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>Onlyfans watermark
Bleh. Does no one send honest to god nudes anymore?


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wtf are hons. society doesn't like ugly people, doesn't matter if they are trans or not lol.