>How does it work? People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions below. People who enter the thread may post their list at will, and it is your decision to gift who you want. ------------------- FAQ: >Does my address get shown? Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want. >How will I know if something has been bought for me? Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased. >Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient? No, all of your information will be protected. The recipient will not see any info. >How can I post my Wishlist without being blocked by the filter? Press the Share Envelope and copy the permalink. If that doesn't work, remove the dot from your link. >Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return! This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others. >Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us! And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all. >How often should I post my list? Once a day or thread depending on the speed of the general >Can I post multiple lists? No. Only 1.
Happy thanksgiving and merry christmas anons. Are you doing anything for thanksgiving? My dad went to my cousins house on sunday for an early thanksgiving and invited me but I havent talked to my cousins in like 2 years and I hate being social so I just stayed home
I just have a water filter and a bunch of supplements on my list. I found pic related on Zig Forums last year but I'm not getting soya lecithin. Merry Christmas anons! amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/SJGC1EOU1A10?ref_=wl_share
Not sure how much stock I put in the soi meme these days now that I have visited taiwan. Taiwan is basically where soi comes from and it's all they eat and I still looked less manly than the women.
Also how do you guys know you're not buying gifts for normalfags? What if one of these lists belongs to a femanon, living their easy lives and coming here and making threads for attention probably means they aren't above asking for gifts here either.
Ayden Rogers
You can tell pretty easily. Women on this board can't help to flaunt that they're women.
Justin Parker
I don't know why you want to see a chicken but here you go
Merry Christmas! Been gifting around with money that I had on my amazon.com account, hoping that I'll get something back And happy early thanksgiving - from a Canadian
So it turns out the OP of these threads this year is joining in on the shitflinging, huh? No wonder he's such trash at hosting this general.
Jayden Rogers
you don't own a car and a basement is not where drinks servings belong to.
Josiah Hill
I took a course on traditional and molecular coctails a while ago, but I've been a NEET ever since. I wish I could afford to send you my shaker and giger. Hope you get something user.
Zachary Morris
This thread was made by modelanon. How do I know? 1. The second post didn't get a new IP according to 4chanX. 2. ModelAnon also got something bought for himself in thread 1. In the last thread, the troll claimed he got something bought in the first thread. 3. This thread was posted too early because he was so desparate to fling shit in the OP 4. ModelAnon, therefore, was the troll in the previous thread, and should be blacklisted.
Isaiah Powell
>See vegan stuff >See meat tenderizer and burger press I'm more confused than that time I heard a drunk Estonian yell at me in pidgin Finnish
Joseph Martinez
This damned degree makes me think that i will be on the same road user, i have only drank by myself except grandpa anyway also thanks anyway, just the thought is plenty awesome godspeed user
Leo Thomas
Which one is ModelAnon? I haven't done the best job of keeping up with all of these namefags.
Henry Bell
>vegan stuff Where do you see anything vegan in my list?
The user who builds models for fun. This list right here:
Logan Young
the shitty overpriced studio apartment i rent is exactly the place my drinks belong to especially since they are being drunk by me user
Landon Ward
Is it all right if I just pasted a new wishlist? It shows that the items were properly added and didn't have the ""buying elsewhere" options. Either way, Merry Thanksmas to all. amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/26XDFAEE6E5CS?ref_=wl_share
I definetively found a lot of job opportunities tho, so if you wanna pursue it, go for it. The only reason I didn't actually get to work as a bartender was because I was underage at the time, kek.
Wyatt Gray
Do you mean sodium citrate and sodium hexametaphosphate? Those are molecular gastronomy salts for making super duper melty cheese. I literally explained that right next to the items.
Robert Scott
Oh, this fucking guy asking for grass, huh? I see.
Liam Perry
I chalk it up to people not realizing how long it can take one of these threads to need 30 additional comments and their autism impatience kicks in.
I hope a fellow baguette gets you something. It's such a shame Amazon doesn't easily allow people to buy for people in other countries.
Eli Gutierrez
It's fine user, I added your list to the spreadsheet as well. Good luck!
Easton Thomas
1. I made the thread, as I made the first thread. 2. I haven't had a package arrive yet, but I did have a switch game bought. I never mentioned this because it hasn't arrived yet so I may of been tricked. 3. I made the thread because people think there's some mysterious admin making them and don't make them. When a thread gets to 480 posts you make the next one so you can transition to it smoothly and 3 different anons don't make one because the bump limit hit without one being posted. 4. I made fun of toothpaste user when he replied to my recap and demanded people post lists in the same post. His autism is funny and clearly you are him and angry we're making fun of your tooth paste autism.