Secret Santa 2020 : Thread 7

Fuck uni and all the ultra socializers anons, i want to go camping to run away from it all
also im interested in making cocktails to drink on my own this comment is original

So it turns out the OP of these threads this year is joining in on the shitflinging, huh? No wonder he's such trash at hosting this general.

you don't own a car and a basement is not where drinks servings belong to.

I took a course on traditional and molecular coctails a while ago, but I've been a NEET ever since. I wish I could afford to send you my shaker and giger. Hope you get something user.

This thread was made by modelanon. How do I know?
1. The second post didn't get a new IP according to 4chanX.
2. ModelAnon also got something bought for himself in thread 1. In the last thread, the troll claimed he got something bought in the first thread.
3. This thread was posted too early because he was so desparate to fling shit in the OP
4. ModelAnon, therefore, was the troll in the previous thread, and should be blacklisted.

>See vegan stuff
>See meat tenderizer and burger press
I'm more confused than that time I heard a drunk Estonian yell at me in pidgin Finnish

This damned degree makes me think that i will be on the same road user, i have only drank by myself except grandpa anyway
also thanks anyway, just the thought is plenty awesome godspeed user

Which one is ModelAnon? I haven't done the best job of keeping up with all of these namefags.

>vegan stuff
Where do you see anything vegan in my list?