Your Worst School Memories:

Your Worst School Memories:
>be me
>in english class
>all the chads and normies won't shut up about some party they had last night
>i've always wanted to go to highschool parties and shit, but would never get invited to them
>i can't take this shit anymore, and i snap
>i burst into tears
>entire class is laughing their asses off
>one of the emo kids tell me to shut the fuck up
>teacher kicks me out of the class
>everyone wouldn't shut up about this for like the next week
>even some of the teachers bullied me over this

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Lmao imagine being this much of a sad mf

I farted real hard and people laughed

I was in a pretty bad mood all day on that day. This was just the straw that broke the camel's back though I'm still sad I've never been invited to a party

I felt awkward talking about last week end's high school party around the class autist

i shit myself and accidentally spilled some shit into a girls water bottle and she drank it and i spilled shit on the floor and started sliding faster shit spill out i slide and shit come out the poo poo not stopping and i continue to shit all over everyone in the cafeteria

I have all sorts of bad stories
>be me
>first weak at school
>sad because I had good friends at the other school
>mohterfucker come and punch my stomach
>out of air for a good while
>nothing happened to the kid

also same cunt
>my birthday
>had some friends already
>"hey user here is your gift"
>he slaps my ear and it hurt and make a stupid noize for one minute
>he says sorry and gets away with it

same cunt

>one year after
>I went to my grandmother's house
>she lives far so I was the whole month out
>missed a school project
>simple thing the teacher said to just do the solar system
>me and my mother kept the whole weekend doing it and it was pretty
>go to school and the teacher tells me to answer questions
>the motherfucker ask me the temperature in venus
>no one told me that i needed to answer questions
>I get so ashamed that i couldn't answer it because I loved space and all sorts of science
>punch the kid in the guts
>got to go to the principal's office and say sorry to the kid and got a prety bad grade

why life is so unfair for us robots?

>get gf
>be happy
>she's always with me, and don't want anyone to approach me which didn't really bother at that time
>realize I'm losing all of my friends
>she then cuck me for someone else
>get depressed as fuck
>not a single friend is consoling me bc I was a cunt that abandoned them
>I now lost my gf and fren
>have to be on back of the class and watching my ex with her new bf and my friends without me being happy
I hate myself

>have to be on back of the class and watching my ex with her new bf and my friends without me being happy
Why didn't you ask to move to a different class?

Now you understand that you have to be friends with someone before you do shit like that with them, right user?

They're all repressed, but I'll try to dig up a few.
>The time I got falsely accused and suspended for chasing around the peanut allergy girl with peanut butter when really it was my frenemy and not even my parents believed me

>I would send fake texts to people by 'accident' so they would think I had a social life and they would call me out on it

>When I shined the laser pointer at this cool kid on the bus and he didn't know who it was and when he finally caught me he punched me in the head and I cried

>When everybody on the bus made fun of me in front of my sister

>Aaand when I sent a ten page text to my friend who got invited to parties asking him to get me invited and he did not reply

It goes on and on but each memory is more painful to type.

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Oh and of course being picked last in PE class. That was lovely.

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>freshmen in high school
>some dance
>talk to oneitis Asian girl over AIM about it, she asks if I'm going
>get really excited thinking she wants to go with me
>mom buys me a second hand suit
>she just says hi and goes dance with some black guy
>just stand outside drinking punch
>older normies try to get me to dance
>haha nah I'm ok
>go home and have big cry

Damn AIM? What's up gramps.


I have plenty, but this one is a good one and short one that happened in my freshmen year.
>Be me
>End of freshmen year.
>Be watching a terrible accurate "historical" movie.
>Sex scene comes up, not explicit of course
>Teacher looks at me and starts laughing, before saying
>user watch and learn.
>Whole class bursts into laughter
>Smile as if it was just a joke, while hiding my desire to burn him alive at the moment.

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>used to have a temper
>cunts picked up on this
>started talking shit to my friend group
>tried to get them to stop talking to me
>spammed my online profiles with edited pictures of me from my dads facebook
>just stopped talking to anyone outside of my group and got them to do the same
got into university, met people who weren't cunts, doing better now
they used to try take the piss by saying i was always quiet since i was a closeted racist or sexist or some shit, but i just didn't find them interesting. high school was the shittiest part of my life and if i ever raise a child, id consider myself a failure if they had to go to the same school as I did.
fun part is watching all of the cunts that used to take the piss slowly drop out of university into mediocrity

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wow, that's pretty messed up lmfao. should've had a comeback ready.

>>i've always wanted to go to highschool parties and shit, but would never get invited to them
you dont get invited to parties you bozo. you just go to them

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if you go to the party uninvited you're talked about by almost everyone there
someone showed up uninvited to our final party when we all graduated high school and everyone was talking about how they just showed up and how creepy it was

guy was a nice guy i had no quarrel but the strange following of one girl in the party really didn't help me defend him

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Damn. Some Stacylite dumped her partner for me for prom too, apparently the other guy that asked her was being "too nervous" about whether she'd actually go with him, which made her uncomfortable so she actually didn't go with him? I think she liked me too because every party we got drunk at she would hover near me and sit in my lap but I was a sperg so I thought it's just platonic and friendly behavior and not a romantic advance.

The thing that makes this a bad memory is that on a school trip she sat with me all night looking at the starts and then told me she has nowhere to go sleep and we should go to my room. But instead of taking her there I called one of her friends on the phone so she would take her into her room to sleep lol. I couldn't even think of the possibility she liked me, even after all that, and I doubt a woman will try to hold my hand through things that hard again.

hold on, this isn't a bragging thread fuck you.

That was a low self esteem story and I even sperged out so hard I didn't even bang her bro, it's hardly anything to brag about.

>be me
>was in love with the quiet kid in class
>walk with every day at school
>went to my house every day
>everytime she left my house i sniffed her chair
>she let out a huge burp infornt of me once
>jack off to that memory
>stopped walking with for literally no reason whatsoever
>she starts walking with her goth autist filthy frank fan girl friend ( she wasnt not lesbian but she did say she did say she was trans once)
>she walks infront of my pack of beaner friends
>i though it'd be a funny meme to steal the bitch's bag as a meme
>at this time i was tall and skinny
>bad idea
>goth filthy frank fan throws me to the ground
>go btfo'd infront of everyone

feels good man :)

okay well, i do understand you on some levels. too many times to count where i'm oblivious to girls that like me. i think i'm average looking enough to have attraction towards me, but i prob sperg out too often that leads to them being frustrated. still that's really just a humble brag man.

>worship my oneitis
>she lives next to my work and every night when I leave I put leftover flowers from work on her car
>after 4-5 times, she leaves a note
>hey, who is this? I would love to know who you are. You do not have to be Tom Cruise or anything
>I leave my name on the note
>next night there is no note back. A cop waits a block away and pulls me over for *being suspicious*

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Should have something like see ya after class to practice or some shit

I don't get not being invited to high school parties. They were businesses not just parties, anyone could just show up and they would take your $5 for a solocup.

>be on a school trip in 8th grade
>group of girls chat up with me
>they misheard my name at first and briefly made fun of it
>later that day class was in a restaurant and one of the girls kept making fun of my name for the entire day
>suddenly snap and shout "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING CUNT"
>she pokes fun at me again
>partially blacked out from rage but remember punching her once as hard as I can
>walk out crying

Nah im pretty sure I have AvPD, if not I wouldn't be here.

Whats that

>go to school with the same girl since I'm 6 years old
>we both end up in the same high school
>attracted to her the entire time always wanted to her to be my girlfriend
>turn 13 finally have the courage to tell her how I feel about her
>do it outside of school we were in the park with other friends
>she looks at me with disgust and just says no
>I think ok this is bad but at least I tried there's no harm in that right?
>next day at school, I walk in through the gate and there's lots of people laughing at me
>I don't understand why at all, my friend finally tells me that everyone knows what I did
>everywhere I go people make fun of me and laugh while they all have girlfriends
>decide to ignore the girl from that point because I didn't appreciate her telling everyone
>ignore her for 6 months everyday
>eventually she gets pissed off at me for ignoring her as if I did something
>she didn't even pay me any attention before I ignored her
>goes on a rant about how I'm a cunt and I need to stop ignoring her
>people laugh at me again
This isn't the only reason why I dropped out of school at 14 but it definitely was a major factor, haven't had any friends since.

>Stood completely silent for a minute during a presentation because I felt myself about to stutter and watched as the class stared back at me in deafening silence
>Broke down in front of my 12th grade Math teacher because I was too depressed about being mathematically retarded to attempt to do any of my assignments, especially when I told her that I needed to do well in the subject in order to get my dream degree
>Starved to death during Science in the middle of a dead-silent class and everybody could hear it
>Got more-or-less mocked by my teacher for trying to be a pseudo-intellectual in English because I referred to the Witches in Macbeth as "sodomites" during a monologue because I forgot that it referred to rapist homos
>told my normie gigachad to-be best friend of five years about my depraved deviantart-tier fetish because I was an autistic fuck and he coincidentally moved away to another town a few months later (I really fucking hope he thought I was just joking, or that he's forgotten about it)
>The walk of shame from my 9th grade advanced math class into the druggie reject math class because I kept failing
>The MILF teacher of the druggie reject math class who kept being a massive stuck-up cunt to me for no reason at all for an entire year
>Being an edgy autistic fucking retard manchild cunt cringelord for all of 6th grade and being a pathetic petty cunt to my teacher for no reason

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>be me, quiet weird and disliked by the cool kids
>have a crush on a cool boy in my class and I think he knows
>he tries to make my life miserable and messes with me because of it
>one day I walk past him between two desks
>very close and our bodies squeeze past eachother, briefly touching
>instantly shouts to the whole class that I touched his willy, I didn't
>everyone laughs at me and thinks I'm weird
>get nick named willy toucher and have people shout it at me when I walk by
>get pushed down stairs and shit by his friends because they think I groped him