I hate this nonsense. I had a panic attack and went to the bathroom quickly just to see this condescending shit. Do the people who wrote this think this fricking helps? Who loves me? The stained bathroom walls? Crying in the bathroom I'm not alone? I love when people say you're loved and not alone. Genuinely who loves me and who is there for me? Tell me? Who? Why would there even have to be someone for me? Why shouldn't I be alone? It's just more mocking than anything. much of life is simply crying in the bathroom anyway.
I hate this nonsense. I had a panic attack and went to the bathroom quickly just to see this condescending shit...
Other urls found in this thread:
Femoid detected. Only girls write shit like this. Gtfo roastie.
I got called a racist one for pointing out that another LoL guy was forign in an "Oh that's why" sort of way. I tried to explain that no, that would be xenophobic at the most but the kid insisted that he doesn't go by meaning but by the intent.
So... I'd say it's the same thing. There are people out there so fucking stupid that they don't get or see or comprehe d actual reality and instead live in some amorphous halfway world where words are real and feels dominant it all.
They know you are supposed to candy coated sugar up the ass people with """depression""", and they just need a hug and a squee and they're back chatting away in reddit speak. Except it doesn't work for people with actual issues, because their world is fake and silly. Like watching a sitcom of someone with depression.
It's mocking in the sense that they are so far away they don't even notice.
Any college has joint bathrooms now. Thanks progressives.
its just privileged people sticking it in everyone's face
they do it in a million different ways, why has this hit you so hard?
Grow a fucking spine, holy shit. I bet you can't handle the fact that you will die someday and nobody will give a shit. Focus on other people not just yourself.
why do you care nigga holy shit shut the fuck up already
Lmao wtf, it's just retarded shit that I pointed out directly after a panic attack. I don't get what their thought process is behind it, and it's demeaning at best. some of you overestimate the intensity of my post
Go back there with sharpie and write "live, love, laugh" and draw an NPC face next to it.
I don't know about you but something like that would give me a laugh and help to defuse the anger I felt from the reddity "YOU. ARE. ENOUGH! :^)" shit.
True lmao, I'll do that next time, have to acquire a sharpie first
How is it demeaning when they're trying to comfort your little female brain? Furthermore, how can you find people that love you when you only think about yourself? You would rather have a panic attack thinking about yourself all the time than helping those around you. You don't deserve love.
It's meant to remind people of their family, friends, etc. it's not meant for someone with ZERO people in their lives, and it's likely the poor optimistic college girl who wrote this on the bathroom wall never even anticipated someone like you reading it and finding it to be condescending.
Genuine small-brain posting is sad.
It's not a big deal, but it is a blatant lie and it most likely comes from those who otherwise do not notice or care about people outside of their friend group. It is similar to those who mourn the death of someone who committed suicide, yet don't actually do anything proactively. They're just platitudes. When you have a panic attack because of recent trauma (a professor touched me) and pardon yourself to go to the bathroom, and see such a thing, it simply is very ironic. You are all alone, have experienced something unpleasant, are otherwise unseen (I am not complaining about these things), but then have to read from a bathroom wall that you aren't alone and someone loves you. It is very ironic and at best condescending. It is not such a big deal to make assumptions about selfishness. How is this in any way selfish? But sadly I did change the OP except it never saved and I accidentally posted the one before. also what horrid defamation of an otherwise great picture lol
At any rate, I understand why it comes across as overreacting and agree I worded myself poorly. I do apologise for this, but hope that from my last response, my intent became somewhat clear. They're very vapid words, platitudes, with no substance behind them, and the context only adds to the irony. In such a way, I interpreted it as mocking in the heat of my emotions, as those words are not true at all, and I felt this strongly at that moment in the bathroom. I also do not believe it is needed to be loved or helped, although this is slightly beside the point. However, I did whine, and I am sorry for that. I don't mean to throw a pity party. I saged this post so it is better to just let it sage in its entirety
I want every normalfag to sink to the lowest depths of human despair just so they can see how fucking shitty this kind of thing feels
>Genuinely who loves me and who is there for me? Tell me? Who? Why would there even have to be someone for me? Why shouldn't I be alone? It's just more mocking than anything.
Since you are obviously a woman I don't know how much this will sink in but here I go:
You can't expect anyone to love you if you don't even love yourself.
Stop expecting help and comfort from outside, you need to shape up from within. Think about what you are good at but not in comparison to others, and be proud. Think about what you can fix about yourself that YOU want to change, then do it. Think about what you can't change and what you don't want, and learn to accept it.
It's rough mentally and spiritually, but you need to recognize that you will never be happy if you see yourself as someone who doesn't even deserve affection.
>Why shouldn't I be alone?
Self-defeating questions are useless and harmful to your sanity, stop this shit.
Ask the harder question, the one you actually can answer but will hurt you to do so:
>Why am I alone?
Start there, you can make it. Stop running away from life to cry and sulk, it's a bad habit.
Read this ancient philosophical journal of a Roman Emperor and learn something about being Stoic:
The people who write those messages want to help you because they've been there. In fact, we've all been there... but not everyone can make it out of it like you did.
I understand that, it was not what I was complaining about. I don't wish for any relationships or whatnot at current. First I must improve many things in my personal life. I am far too occupied. Finally, I do not believe love or affection should be chased. It should come about organically, and I am not currently in the place to develop this. Seriously, this wasn't the central point of the post and it is not necessary for you to explain this. The only reason I was crying was because I was touched and I recently experienced physical trauma, so it's a fresh wound. Sorry if I sound annoyed, but presumptuous advice is a pet-peeve of mine lolol
Panic attacks are not normal nor are they desirable in any way. Just because your horrible feelings subsided does not mean they won't come back and be potentially worse. All it takes is a single bad panic attack to drive someone to suicide, no joking or exaggeration. Take your mental health seriously.
You don't have to do this to yourself, but it will keep happening unless you get serious and stop finding excuses.
Your choice, because it's your mind and your mood. Nobody is going to come along and magically fix you.
>much meditations
Marcus Aurelius had a great fucking life, stoicism coming from someone like that is absolutely fucking meaningless because it's easy to not let the bad stuff bother you when you have that much good stuff to fall back on.
Stoicism is a fucking meme.
Yeah, what could you learn about dealing with stress and remaining calm from a guy constantly fighting in wars across a logistical nightmare of an empire while being personally responsible for millions of people who are currently going through a plague? He was also constantly sick and came close to dying from sickness a few times before he finally did lose the fight, it is during this period of his life that he wrote the Meditations.
Have some respect. He's the only philosopher king to ever exist in real life, and his impact on the world wasn't conquest or anything but a philosophical work that has helped millions of people thoughout history. He didn't even intend for anyone to ever read it, it was written only for himself to reread and add to when he had downtime between campaigns/battles.
Marcus never chose to live in excess, and never chose the path of least resistance. He preceded a multitude of egotistical, self-centered emperors who drove Rome into the ground and did not have even a fraction of his virtue. Funnily enough, the "year of the 5 emperors" follows shortly after his reign.
He hardly had an easy life. He held the Roman world upon his shoulders and not only preserved it but made sure that it thrived. You can't say the same for his son and successor, Commodus.
And not to mention, Marcus was relatively sick in body, regularly complaining of stomach issues and insomnia.
Meditations is actually a very profound book if you have the proper mindset and willingness to learn.
you aren't really alone though. keep crying retard.
I draw swastikas and 1488 in bathroom stalls. Would that have made you feel better
>I draw swastikas and 1488 in bathroom stalls. Would that have made you feel better
Marcus was based af. I can understand mocking dumb shit like atheism and Christianity, fools telling themselves they have all the answers and trying to convert others to their worldview but something as pragmatic as stoicism shouldn't be dismissed so easily.
I never said they were, but when someone fingers a fresh, bleeding wound, you are bound to respond. However, you are exaggerating with the rest in regards to me. I'm not doing anything to myself, don't try to be so involved and knowledgeable about me and my situation. I even quite literally said I have much to work on myself and that this is why I avoid relationships at current. That is extremely contrary to wishing for others to fix me. I also already read Aurelius and Seneca and follow their philosophy, I don't understand why you feel the need to assert your own beliefs on others who didn't ask for it.
>I have much to work on myself
list them
1. Kiss
2. My
3. Ass
4. And
5. Balls
6. And
7. Also
8. Penis
>that entire post
are you genuinely retarded
I don't know, maybe you should blow me and find out
Shut up nigger. Nobody cares about your boomer tier advice. Way to answer a platitude with another platitude. Holy fuck you're so retarded
Almost every single modern self-help therapy or routine is based on the foundations of Stoic teachings. A lot of New Testament Christianity ideals and core beliefs are based around the Stoics' musings.
Stoicism has always worked, but you need to be actively policing your own mind and spirit so much that it becomes natural to react to everything with calmness and self-assuredness. It's not for everyone, but it has consistently helped people from all walks of life live without unneeded stress and anxiety with absolutely no money spent or drugs taken.
Stop detailing this thread and making it about yourself. You're not adding anything to the conversation that isn't already known.
There is no conversation. This thread was started to complain and hear others complain in agreement.
Stoicism is for pretentious coping faggots like yourself. Go shill your 90IQ normalfaggotry on reddit where it belongs. Stoicism never worked. Never will work, and no amount of "HURR AHH GRRR IM GUNNA BE AN UBERMENSCH TOUGG GUY TO NOT FEEL ANYTHING IM IN CONTROL SERIOUSLY I AM". Sage and eat a bullet you niggerlord