I hate this nonsense. I had a panic attack and went to the bathroom quickly just to see this condescending shit...

Shut up nigger. Nobody cares about your boomer tier advice. Way to answer a platitude with another platitude. Holy fuck you're so retarded

Almost every single modern self-help therapy or routine is based on the foundations of Stoic teachings. A lot of New Testament Christianity ideals and core beliefs are based around the Stoics' musings.

Stoicism has always worked, but you need to be actively policing your own mind and spirit so much that it becomes natural to react to everything with calmness and self-assuredness. It's not for everyone, but it has consistently helped people from all walks of life live without unneeded stress and anxiety with absolutely no money spent or drugs taken.

Stop detailing this thread and making it about yourself. You're not adding anything to the conversation that isn't already known.

There is no conversation. This thread was started to complain and hear others complain in agreement.

Stoicism is for pretentious coping faggots like yourself. Go shill your 90IQ normalfaggotry on reddit where it belongs. Stoicism never worked. Never will work, and no amount of "HURR AHH GRRR IM GUNNA BE AN UBERMENSCH TOUGG GUY TO NOT FEEL ANYTHING IM IN CONTROL SERIOUSLY I AM". Sage and eat a bullet you niggerlord