>not including figures on non suicide related gun deaths because he knows they're higher than every other civilised country
British people
>be American
>shoot yourself
What am I coping for though? I love my country. Even though I am not happy with the way things are going, I truly love the USA and I appreciate what my ancestors did to allow for me to be able to live here
Congrats you're a slave but you are less likely to get shot, is if getting shot was ever a problem for people who aren't criminals
literally your odds of being killed by a firearm.
If there was a better place than the US I would have moved there by now, one day this country will be just like your shithole though.
you are picking and choosing statistics user. why don't you post gun crime related deaths in america compared to other first world countries?
Seriously though, where do you live lmao
why does it matter? i hate my own country too. americans are fucking retarded though and don't realise how badly they've fallen victim to us propaganda. SAD
why not move to switzerland ?