British people

British people talk so much shit on America, but yall got like 20 square feet of "garden" and you share a wall with your neighbor.
>roit den, at least we got free healfcare

pic related

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I also shit on America and aren't british

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>and you share a wall with your neighbor.
Unlike america which still doesn't have a one #REKT

i shit on both amerifags and britfags, they both deserve it

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what the fuck are you saying dude? get off the benzos for pete's sake

You are correct I can't even argue.

Our politicians every single year for the past century have been obsessed with increasing the population as much as they can and building endless shitty houses and flats as much as they can. Every 4 years for their election pledges they say "we'll build more and more" like it's a positive thing and they get voted in and do it. Eventually there won't be a single tree left on our shitty overpopulated little island.

Don't even start me on the NHS, it's incredibly overrated and it's become such a huge monster that no one can dare criticise it. If you are in a car accident, break a bone, or need your gender changed the NHS is fine. For basically anything else they just guess at diagnoses, provide shitty substandard treatment & you eventually die before they guess what's wrong with you. I had a relative who kept going to the doctor about serious stomach pain and getting sent away by an overworked doctor with antiacid and bloating pills. He eventually died of stomach cancer that they never spotted.

>be british
>get stabbed

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i hate the uk but americans really have no room to be chatting shit

America is unironically the best at everything. Name one country more beautiful, with a better culture, greater chance to make something of yourself, etc etc. I can go on forever about things that America is superior at, but it wouldn't matter because retards on here will continue saying the same unoriginal shit they've been saying for years.

The new houses they build are also shite quality. Bunch of cowboy builders rush to cash in on the help to buy scheme and as a consequence there are new homes that are literally worth zero bong cause they dont stand up to regulations

>be american
>get shot

We do though, this is the best place to be on earth and you're coping if you disagree. It is going to shit like other countries already are though.

>this is the best place to be on earth

Overall I'm just disappointed when I see people on here thinking they have even the slightest understanding of America. We are made up of nearly 330 million people over 3.7 million square miles and people just think we're all fat rednecks.

>this is the best place to be on earth

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american patriot OD'ing on copium

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>just think we're all fat rednecks.
Yeah they always forget about the niggers and spics

China is objectively superior to you in every way. Cope mutt

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>better culture
i wont fall for your bait this time

">be american
>get shot"

Please know what you're talking about before you say something stupid.

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>not including figures on non suicide related gun deaths because he knows they're higher than every other civilised country

>be American
>shoot yourself

What am I coping for though? I love my country. Even though I am not happy with the way things are going, I truly love the USA and I appreciate what my ancestors did to allow for me to be able to live here

Congrats you're a slave but you are less likely to get shot, is if getting shot was ever a problem for people who aren't criminals


literally your odds of being killed by a firearm.

If there was a better place than the US I would have moved there by now, one day this country will be just like your shithole though.

you are picking and choosing statistics user. why don't you post gun crime related deaths in america compared to other first world countries?

Seriously though, where do you live lmao

why does it matter? i hate my own country too. americans are fucking retarded though and don't realise how badly they've fallen victim to us propaganda. SAD

why not move to switzerland ?

are you saying that since we have .0001 higher gun violence than x country that its somehow an issue?

Lol so you're just mad. American propaganda is about destroying america sadly, all lefties hate the country even though there's no where better to live.

you could say that for literally every country on earth. It doesnt really matter dude. just be a based high income individual.

Living expenses too high, still less rights

>American propaganda is about destroying america
Seems to have worked