I'm not him, but I find people suffering from depression/bad circumstances tend to be more genuine to talk to.
People who are positive for no blatant reason are extremely annoying. And I find there's some thing about that isn't right or doing the unfortunate any honors by acting like that when they really shouldn't be.
That said obviously going into a brand new meeting depressed or angry will guarantee that person will never talk to you again.
Oliver Gomez
>valuing "positivity" is getting rid of the majority of your mind. You are always deluged with sensory information, you are always deluged with verbal information. I would say that you're looking at the mind as something too spiritual. Being more positive doesn't suddenly make you less intelligent. Although it's true that more intelligent people are more critical(and thus negative) about the world and systems within it, this is not because intelligence is reliant on negativity or that negativity promotes intelligence. Intelligent people simply can identify and protest about problems in their environment and can follow causal threads to their more harsh conclusions. >The difference between a smart person and a dumb person and indeed a smart person and a cat is the ability to use your capacity for negative thought to cut out what isn't true. I disagree. You can be positive without lacking critical thinking or without being skeptical. I feel as though you are construing your observations of positivity from both the less intelligent and from people you dislike and are using that to form your views on intelligence and reason. >I have never met anyone as simultaneously dumb and ignorantly oppressively as the followers of the cult of positivity. Anyone who blindly follows, regardless of how positive or negative they are is likely someone with a weak mind. I think I know what you mean by "the cult of positivity" though. You're talking about the preachy, upbeat kind of people who can't & don't empathize with people who've had trauma and hardships in their life, right? Am I off? >I'm not him, but I find people suffering from depression/bad circumstances tend to be more genuine to talk to. They definitely can be, although if you're looking for a relationship with the average woman or a normie then it's a detriment to be too open about your negative opinions or how bad things are for you. cont
Matthew Richardson
>People who are positive for no blatant reason are extremely annoying. And I find there's some thing about that isn't right or doing the unfortunate any honors by acting like that when they really shouldn't be. Well there is something wrong with people like that. Those kinds of people likely have some issue and are also repressing their own hardwired responses in order to fit in better or something along those lines. But that feeling of annoyance and being offput by them applies to normies too. If you think that that kind of person is what a normie is though then I take it(like the vast majority of people here) you haven't gotten to know a lot of people very well. People are more positive in public and polite society specifically to get along in their day, to keep appearances up and because they generally hope and expect that people will be the same to them. An example I can bring up is one I've experienced a few times in my life of people offering rides to someone, that someone accepts, they're pleasant all through the ride and then they drop them off and immediately once the person can no longer hear them they'll complain about how and why they didn't actually want to do that and were hoping the person would decline. >That said obviously going into a brand new meeting depressed or angry will guarantee that person will never talk to you again. Yeah, also when the majority of your interactions with someone(Who hasn't had nearly as negative a life as you've had) are negative, then they'll be offput.
Ryan Bailey
>research and experiments says it works >hmmm it's not me doing something wrong somewhere it just doesn't work
Self-improving to get pussy is absolutely shit. You self-improve to become the person you want to be.
I want to master what I do because it's the only thing that makes me happy, and nothing is going to stop me.
negativity, meaning contradicting others and seeing what's wrong and needs to be changed is almost the whole of intellect.
Elijah Baker
are people who deny self improvement just stuck up faggots?
Carter Ross
nope, that's people who believe life is a linear game which can be improved and that improvement can be found through societal approval
Parker James
>self improvement >requires social situations what did the retard mean by this?
Landon Turner
It's usually people that simply failed to meet their goals. Some times repeatedly.
Success is not a guarantee no matter how committed you are. And unfortunately failure does build up resentment and hopelessness.
Colton Butler
Now that I post this I seriously question the level of empathy the average poster here seems to completely lack. Why did I even have to explain this...?